For this assignment, I chose to develop firmware for an Espressif ESP32
microcontroller using its native development framework, ESP-IDF. My code
is written 100% in the C programming language, relying on ESP-IDF's
extensive API and FreeRTOS.
Figure 1 shows my breadboard circuit with the
microcontroller and three I2C sensors. The inner horizontal rails are
meant for delivering power, while the outer horizontal rails are for the
I2C bus. Thus, every sensor is connected with at least four wires: 3.3
V, ground, clock and data. Besides that, there are several other
connections. Resistors in the lower right corner are 3.9
All code is located in the main
directory, and CMakeLists.txt files
are required to build the project. To build and upload the code to
ESP32, I used build
and flash
commands, which are
parts of the ESP-IDF tools.
|-- CMakeLists.txt
|-- main
| |-- ble.c
| |-- ble.h
| |-- CMakeLists.txt
| |-- config.h <- can be edited to change pins and timings
| |-- filter.c
| |-- filter.h
| |-- i2c.c
| |-- i2c.h
| |-- main.c
| |-- queue.c
| |-- queue.h
|-- <- document you are reading
Allow me to introduce the sensors, from left to right:
MAX30100, pulse oximetry and heart-rate sensor.
BMP180, pressure sensor.
SHT3x-DIS, humidity and temperature sensor.
All of the sensors have different addresses and two of them require
special configuration before they are able to function. main/i2c.c
contains functions such as:
, which initializes I2C bus and devices handles. -
, which configures BMP180 and MAX30100. BMP180 sensor's EEPROM contains values required for pressure and temperature calculation, and are needed to be read before any measurement is performed. MAX30100's configuration is very complicated, because it has everything turned off by default. My options include enabling the heart rate only mode, setting the highest ADC resolution of 16 bits, setting maximum current for the infrared LED, setting sampling frequency of 50 Hz (minimal) and configuring the interrupt. -
, which has an infinite loop that reads humidity from SHT3x-DIS, temperature from BMP180, and heart rate from MAX30100. SHT3x-DIS provides additional CRC bits which I check withsht3x_crc(uint16_t data, uint8_t crc)
function. Temperature is calculated according to the algorithm written in the BMP180's datasheet. MAX30100 sensor is only read from if there is sampled data available, the presence of which is signaled bymax30100_irq()
through a semaphore. Interpreting signals from the heart rate sensor, however, is not an easy task and I just save the raw values.
Code with the filter and other mathematical functions is located in the
file. The function filter_sensor_value()
applies a
moving median filter on all data inside an array. It calls internally
, a macro similar to find_min()
and find_max()
, which
call the generic find_rank()
function. It runs in O(n) time given any
rank, way better than performing sorting on an array and taking the
middle element. The same file implements find_stddev()
, the standard
deviation function.
My implementation does not really use the signature provided in the
assignment. That's because I used FreeRTOS's queue implementation to
pass samples from producer thread to consumer thread, that is
and xQueueReceive()
. In the file main/queue.c
, there
is one function responsible for receiving samples and putting them into
circular buffers. The function also defines a timer, which triggers an
interrupt service routine every 30 seconds. After the ISR gives the
semaphore, data from the circular buffers is processed and packed into a
custom structure called ble_packet_t
. As it is clear from the type
name, it is meant to be delivered to the Bluetooth task for further
I did not implement the Bluetooth part because of the lack of time. The
file main/ble.c
contains a function that just prints the contents of
the packet to the serial port, instead of transmitting it wirelessly. I
would have used ESP-IDF Gatt Server Example as a reference for this
task. I would have needed to define three services, each for one sensor.
I would have picked standard UUID numbers for temperature, humidity and
heart rate, so that any device is able to identify the type of data
advertised. Each service would have had four characterists: standard
deviation, max, min and median values, which most probably would have
used my proprietary UUIDs. On the client side, I could have used any BLE
scanner application to read through the services and their
My design of the firwmare implements two threads, as show in the
Figure 2. app_main
is the producer thread, and the
production takes place inside the sensors_read()
function of
file. collect_queues_task()
of the file main/queue.c
the consumer thread, created under FreeRTOS. The producer thread is
assigned a higher priority than the consumer thread.
I did not uses mutexes in inter-task communication, since FreeRTOS provides thread-safe queues, with which I do not need to worry about the race conditions. In my implementation, each time the producer thread wants to send data, it can in theory wait forever until the data is transmitted. However, the producer thread does not need to read the data immediately; rather, it is buffered in the above mentioned queues. With enough space allocated to the queues, the producer thread will never block.
In the case when the consumer thread is too slow or not functioning at
all, the producer thread will eventually block, because the queue cannot
receive any new data. It happened to me when I had not still implemented
the consumer side properly: the program worked until the queues became
full. Even though the main thread has a higher priority, it calls delays
to match the required sampling rate, so that the starvation of
and situations when queues become full are
Tables down here are unaltered outputs recorded from the
microcontroller, using monitor
After keeping the board for a minute in fridge, temperature is low:
| Name | Stddev | Max | Min | Median |
| Temperature | 0.040000 | 18.600000 | 18.500000 | 18.500000 |
| Humidity | 0.026194 | 80.563057 | 80.476082 | 80.543221 |
| Heart rate | 4.882622 | 20.000000 | 4.000000 | 12.000000 |
After breathing warm air on sensors, both temperature and humidity rise:
| Name | Stddev | Max | Min | Median |
| Temperature | 0.404969 | 28.900000 | 27.700001 | 28.400000 |
| Humidity | 0.208927 | 92.593269 | 91.914246 | 92.314034 |
| Heart rate | 974.022217 | 2604.000000 | 0.000000 | 2396.000000 |
After leaving at regular room conditions, temperature and humidity get normal values:
| Name | Stddev | Max | Min | Median |
| Temperature | 0.045825 | 25.799999 | 25.700001 | 25.799999 |
| Humidity | 0.018065 | 57.746243 | 57.682156 | 57.709621 |
| Heart rate | 6.311894 | 72.000000 | 48.000000 | 60.000000 |
After putting a finger on the heart rate sensor, I can confirm that I am alive but it is impossible to tell my heart rate just from the raw values:
| Name | Stddev | Max | Min | Median |
| Temperature | 0.000000 | 25.700001 | 25.700001 | 25.700001 |
| Humidity | 0.055461 | 62.835125 | 62.652020 | 62.740520 |
| Heart rate | 19462.945312 | 51200.000000 | 161.000000 | 41540.000000 |