This repository contains the code implementing variational autoencoders (VAE) for collaborative filtering (CF) on movielens data and spotify's Million Playlist dataset (MPD).
Link to movielens data: For movielens dataset, we couldn't use the ratings.csv file directly as it had some movies which IMDB didn't understand, and hence created new_ratings.csv. The code for this filtering is in:
Million Playlist Dataset- official website hosted at One needs to register on the website and download the training data and the test data (challenge set) as part of the recsys 2018 playlist completion challenge.
The folder ./Hybrid contains the code for the implementation of our proposed hybrid VAE model.
The folder ./Standard contains the code for the implementation of standard VAE model.
The folder ./Spotify contains the code used for playlist completion challenge, from data preprocessing, training and generating predictions.
Please look into the specific folder to read more about the files that were used for the specific implementation.