- Java SDK (8)
- Scala Build Tool (sbt)
- Spark (2.2.1)
- https://spark.apache.org/downloads.html
- local mode
Developed on an Ubuntu 16.04 linux system, using Oracle Java 8.
This project uses the Scala Build Tool (sbt). To run examples, install and run the sbt
REPL in this project
directory (where the build.sbt
file is located). The sbt
should download all the project dependencies (any
warnings about dependency conflicts can be ignored, they arise from 3rd-party dependency resolution).
Package a jar containing the application
sbt package
[info] Packaging {..}/{..}/target/scala-2.11/enron-emails_2.11-1.0.jar
Use spark-submit to run analysis (see bin/spark_analysis.sh
for updated code)
${SPARK_HOME}/bin/spark-submit \
--class "SparkAnalysisApp" \
--master local[2] \
enron_email_records.parquet 2> spark_analysis.log
- https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~./enron/
- http://bailando.sims.berkeley.edu/enron_email.html
- http://www.ahschulz.de/enron-email-data/
- http://info.nuix.com/Enron.html
- "Nuix and EDRM worked together to cleanse the Enron data set of private information."
- "The complete EDRM Enron Data Set is 18GB in total."
- https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/using-apache-spark-perform-sentiment-analysis-enrons-email-saunders
- https://lucidworks.com/2016/12/13/analyzing-enron-with-solr-spark-and-fusion/
- https://github.com/medale/spark-mail
- https://github.com/okram/graph-bootcamp/wiki/Enron (neo4j)
- https://linkurio.us/blog/investigating-the-enron-email-dataset/ (neo4j)
- https://gist.github.com/rjurney/969814 (ruby project)
- streams
- connectors
- https://github.com/sksamuel/avro4s
- https://github.com/hopped/akka-avro-serializer/
- https://dzone.com/articles/kafka-avro-scala-example
- Kafka producer and consumer examples using AVRO data
- https://hortonworks.com/blog/the-data-lifecycle-part-one-avroizing-the-enron-emails/
- https://github.com/rjurney/Agile_Data_Code/blob/master/ch03/gmail/email.avro.schema
"Eel is a toolkit for manipulating data in the hadoop ecosystem. By hadoop ecosystem we mean file formats common to the big-data world, such as parquet, orc, csv in locations such as HDFS or Hive tables. In contrast to distributed batch or streaming engines such as Spark or Flink, Eel is an SDK intended to be used directly in process."
- https://github.com/rjurney/Agile_Data_Code/tree/master/ch03
- Pig, MongoDB, ElasticSearch