GitTrack is an application that helps track the user commits in your slack workspace.
- Slack Bolt - Slack framework for developing workspace applications
- Cheerio - Scraping tool to parse Github User pages for contribution data
- Axios - HTTP client used to request Github user pages and retrieve page data
- Replit - Platform used to develop server applications
- Replit Database - Database that integrates with Replit platform
- Install application to Slack Workspace via Link
- Use commands to add Github usernames, check roster, and list weekly commits
- /add-username - Allows a user to add their Github Username
- /roster - Check the list of usernames and their corresponding slack display names for the workspace
- /getgit - Get data for the weekly commits for the users in the workspace roster
- /week-graph - Create a graph of the weeks contributions by your users
- /month-graph - Create a graph of the months contributions by your users