Preview of code to loop through voting datasetto pull out pertinent information for election results
Preview of code to loop through financial dataset to pull out pertinent information for financial records
It's time to put away the Excel sheet and join the big leagues. Welcome to the world of programming with Python. In this homework assignment, you'll use the concepts you've learned to complete the two Python challenges, PyBank and PyPoll.
Both of these challenges present a real-world situation where your newfound Python scripting skills can come in handy. These challenges aren't easy, so expect some hard work ahead!
In this challenge, you are tasked with creating a Python script to analyze the financial records of your company. You will give a set of financial data called budget_data.csv. The dataset is composed of two columns: "Date" and "Profit/Losses". (Thankfully, your company has rather lax standards for accounting, so the records are simple.)
Your task is to create a Python script that analyzes the records to calculate each of the following:
The total number of months included in the dataset
The net total amount of "Profit/Losses" over the entire period
The changes in "Profit/Losses" over the entire period, and then the average of those changes
The greatest increase in profits (date and amount) over the entire period
The greatest decrease in profits (date and amount) over the entire period
Your analysis should look similar to the following:
Financial Analysis
Total Months: 86
Total: $22564198
Average Change: $-8311.11
Greatest Increase in Profits: Aug-16 ($1862002)
Greatest Decrease in Profits: Feb-14 ($-1825558)
In addition, your final script should both print the analysis to the terminal and export a text file with the results.
In this challenge, you are tasked with helping a small, rural town modernize its vote counting process.
You will be given a set of poll data called election_data.csv. The dataset is composed of three columns: "Voter ID", "County", and "Candidate". Your task is to create a Python script that analyzes the votes and calculates each of the following:
The total number of votes cast
A complete list of candidates who received votes
The percentage of votes each candidate won
The total number of votes each candidate won
The winner of the election based on popular vote.
Your analysis should look similar to the following:
Election Results
Total Votes: 369711
Charles Casper Stockham: 23.049% (85213)
Diana DeGette: 73.812% (272892)
Raymon Anthony Doane: 3.139% (11606)
Winner: Diana DeGette
In addition, your final script should both print the analysis to the terminal and export a text file with the results.