Releases: ddasutein/RevueStarlight-CSS
Releases · ddasutein/RevueStarlight-CSS
Version 2.2.1
Version 2.2.0
- Added Media Query for 9.7" iPad (Landscape Mode)
- Fixed broken search button (Thanks @Geo1088)
Version 2.1.0
Improvements to Subreddit list UI
Bug fixes
Version 2.0.1
- Adjusted width size for announcement box
Version 2.0.0
- Replaced animation for subreddit logo
- Fonts will display their native OS font family
- Added "New Mail" toast notification
- Improvements to subreddit wiki
- Refactored codebase
Version 1.14
- Added 'New Mail' toast notifiation.
Version 1.13.0
- Improvements to subreddit drop down list
Version 1.12.0
Improved UI submit page.
Organized and cleaned up CSS codebase.
Version 1.10.0
Improvements to "subscribers" and "user-online"
Improvements to header style for sidebox content
Improvements to subreddit footer
Flair box UI improvement
Added downvote message when hovered
Adjustments to width, margin, and text-transform of sr-header-area
Removed border in stickied posts
line-height value changed to 1.50
Version 1.02.1
- Improvements to Dark Mode
- Fixed scaling issue with header image
- Added drop shadow on header image
- Improved "Message Moderators" button