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Dynamic Programming

1. Min Cost Climbing Stairs [746]
2. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock [121]
3. Climbing Stairs [70]
4. Maximum Subarray [53]
5. House Robber [198]
6. Range Sum Query - Immutable [303]
7. Counting Bits [338]
8. Palindromic Substrings [647]
9. Maximum Length of Pair Chain [646]
10. Integer Break [343]
11. Count Numbers with Unique Digits [357]
12. 2-Key KeyBoard [650]
13. Is Subsequence [392]
14. Unique Paths [62]
15. Longest Palindromic Subsequence [516]
16. Combination Sum IV [377]
17. Minimum Path Sum [64]
18. Longest Increasing Subsequence [300]
19. Maximum Length of Repeated Subarray [718]
20. Number of Longest Increasing Subsequence [673]
21. Target Sum [494]
22. Ones and Zeros [474]
23. Largest Plus Sign [764]
24. Partition Equal Subset Sum [416]

Top Interview Questions

1. Reverse String [344]
2. Single Number [136]
3. Fizz Buzz [412]
4. Maximum Depth of Binary Tree [104]
5. Move Zeros [283]
6. Sum Without + Operator [371]
7. Majority Element [169]
8. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II [122]
9. Valid Anagram [242]
10. Contains Duplicate [217]
11. First Unique Character [387]
12. Roman to Integer [13]
13. Missing Number [268]
14. Power of three [326]
15. Two Sum [1]
16. Number of 1 bits [191]
17. Plus One [66]
18. Factorial Trailing Zeros [172]
19. Valid Parenthesis [20]
20. Intersection of Two Arrays II [350]
21. Excel Sheet Column Number [171]
22. Count Primes [204]
23. Valid Palindrome [125]
24. Sqrt(X) [69]
25. Reverse Integer [7]
26. Product of Array Except Self [238]
27. Longest Common Prefix [14]
28. Number of Islands [200]
29. Subsets [78]
30. Permutations [46]
31. Generate Parentheses [22]
32. Rotate Image [48]
33. Happy Number [202]
34. Pascal's Triangle [118]
35. Count and Say [38]
36. Pow(x,n) [50]
37. Coin Change [322]
38. Kth Largest [215]
39. Sort Colors [75]
40. Valid Sudoku [36]
41. Perfect Squares [279]
42. Game of Life [289]
43. Container With Most Water [11]
44. Find the Duplicate Number [287]
45. Merge Sorted Array [88]
46. Implement StrStr [28]
47. Rotate Array [189]
48. Top k Frequent Elements [347]
49. Binary Tree Inorder Traversal [94]
50. Linked List Cycle [141]
51. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array [26]
52. 4Sum II [454]
53. Group Anagrams [49]
54. Word Break [139]
55. Search for a Range [34]
56. Letter Combinations of a Phone Number [17]
57. Set Matrix Zeros [73]
58. Merge Intervals [56]
59. Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation [150]
60. Increasing Triplet Subsequence [334]
61. Trapping Rain Water [42]
62. Longest Substring Without Repeating [3]
63. 3 Sum [15]
64. Jump Game [55]
65. Word Search [79]
66. Longest Palindromic Substring [5]
67. Maximum Product Subarray [152]
68. Search a 2D Matrix II [240]
69. Fraction to Recurring Decimal [166]
70. Largest Number [179]


1. Image Smoother [661]
2. Flipping an Image [832]
3. Non Decreasing Array [665]
4. Largest Number at least Twice [747]
5. Find Pivot Index [724]
6. Single Number II [137]
7. Reshape the Matrix [566]
8. Array Partition I [561]
9. Maximum Area of Island [695]
10. Maximum Consecutive Ones [485]
11. Toeplitz Matrix [766]
12. Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array [448]
13. Positions of Large Groups [830]
14. Two Sum II - Input array is sorted [167]
15. Longest Continuous Increasing Subsequence [674]
16. Set Mismatch [645]
17. Degree of an Array [697]
18. Maximum Average Subarray I [643]
19. Can Place Flowers [605]
20. Magic Squares In Grid [840]
21. Contains Duplicates II [219]
22. Search Insert Position [35]
23. Third Maximum Number [414]
24. K-diff Pairs in an Array [532]
25. Find All Duplicates in an Array [442]
26. Combination Sum III [216]


1. Judge Route Circle [657]
2. Reverse Words in a String III [557]
3. Longest Uncommon Subsequence I [521]
4. Detect Capital [520]
5. Rotated Digits [788]
6. Reverse Vowels of a String [345]
7. Reverse String II [541]
8. Student Attendance Record I [551]
9. Goat Latin [824]
10. Most Common Word [819]
11. Ransom Note [383]
12. String Compression [443]
13. Number of Segments in a String [434]
14. Length of Last Word [58]
15. Valid Palindrome II [680]
16. Count Binary Substrings [696]
17. Add Binary [67]


1. Self Dividing Number [728]
2. Largest Triangle Area [812]
3. Minimum Moves to Equal Array Elements [453]
4. Rectangle Overlap [836]
5. Palindrome Number [9]
6. Perfect Number [507]
7. Ugly Number [263]
8. Maximum Product of Three Numbers [628]
9. Rectangle Area [223]
10. Valid Perfect Square [367]


1. Baseball Game [682]
2. Next Greater Element I [496]
3. Backspace String Compare [844]
4. Daily Tempratures [739]
5. Implement Stack using Queues [225]
6. Implement Queue using Stacks [232]
7. Min Stack [155]
8. Longest Valid Parentheses [32]