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A Java-Library that offers some support for easy combining the SQLbuilder-Core with Spring JDBC


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SQLbuilder <-> Spring JDBC

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A Java-Library that offers some support for easy combining the SQLbuilder-Core with Spring JDBC



Simple Example

Consider haven the following domain-class Person (using the @Data-annotation from lombok, for a simpler, smaller example):

public class Person
    private long id;
    private String forename;
    private String lastname;

Then it is possible to implement a PersonMapper as follows:

public class PersonMapper implements RowMapperAndParamSource<Person>, KeySetter<Person>
    public Person mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException
        return new Person(rs.getLong("id"), rs.getString("forename"), rs.getString("lastname"));

    public Map<String, Object> getParams(Person person)
        return Map.of("id", Long.valueOf(person.getId()), "forename", person.getForename(), "lastname", person.getLastname());

    public void setKey(Person person, long key)

Now you can simply implement a repository like this:

public class PersonRepositoryWithSimpleOperations
    public static final Table PERSONS = Table.create("persons");

    public static final BigIntColumn ID = PERSONS.bigIntColumn("id").autoIncrement().build();
    public static final VarCharColumn FORENAME = PERSONS.varCharColumn("forename").build();
    public static final VarCharColumn LASTNAME = PERSONS.varCharColumn("lastname").build();

    private SimpleInsert<Person> insert;
    private SimpleUpdate<Person> update;
    private SimpleDeleteOne deleteOne;
    private SimpleSelectOne<Person> selectOne;
    private SimpleSelectAll<Person> selectAll;

    public PersonRepositoryWithSimpleOperations(DataSource dataSource, PersonMapper personMapper)
        insert = SimpleOperations.insert(PERSONS, dataSource, personMapper);
        update = SimpleOperations.update(PERSONS, dataSource, personMapper);
        deleteOne = SimpleOperations.deleteOne(PERSONS, dataSource);
        selectOne = SimpleOperations.selectOne(PERSONS, dataSource, personMapper);
        selectAll = SimpleOperations.selectAll(PERSONS, dataSource, personMapper);

    public long insert(Person person)
        return insert.execute(person);

    public long[] insert(List<Person> persons)
        return insert.execute(persons);

    public long update(Person person)
        return update.execute(person);

    public long delete(long personId)
        return deleteOne.execute(personId);

    public List<Person> getAll()
        return selectAll.execute();

    public Optional<Person> getById(long id)
        return selectOne.execute(id);

The example above is already implemented in a the default impmlementation SimpleJdbcRepository, so it is only necessary to extend it as follows:

public class JdbcPersonRepository extends SimpleJdbcRepository<Person>
    public static final Table PERSONS = Table.create("persons");

    public static final BigIntColumn ID = PERSONS.bigIntColumn("id").autoIncrement().build();
    public static final VarCharColumn FORENAME = PERSONS.varCharColumn("forename").build();
    public static final VarCharColumn LASTNAME = PERSONS.varCharColumn("lastname").build();

    public JdbcPersonRepository(DataSource dataSource, PersonMapper personMapper)
        super(PERSONS, dataSource, personMapper);

Another possibility is to use the QueryExecutor like the following example:

public class PersonRepositoryWithQueryExecutor
    public static final Table PERSONS = Table.create("persons");

    public static final BigIntColumn ID = PERSONS.bigIntColumn("id").autoIncrement().build();
    public static final VarCharColumn FORENAME = PERSONS.varCharColumn("forename").build();
    public static final VarCharColumn LASTNAME = PERSONS.varCharColumn("lastname").build();

    private PersonMapper personMapper;

    private QueryExecutor queryExecutor;

    public PersonRepositoryWithQueryExecutor(JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate)
        queryExecutor = new SpringJdbcQueryExecutor(jdbcTemplate);

    public long insert(Person person)
        return Queries.insertInto(PERSONS)
                .set(FORENAME, person.getForename())
                .set(LASTNAME, person.getLastname())

    public long update(Person person)
        return Queries.update(PERSONS)
                .set(FORENAME, person.getForename())
                .set(LASTNAME, person.getLastname())

    public long delete(long personId)
        return Queries.deleteFrom(PERSONS)

    public List<Person> getAll()

    public Optional<Person> getById(long id)

It is up to you, which implementation you use. The first example is the simpler one, which covers the default CRUD-methods and default select-methods. It assumes, that you are using a very standard domain-class with, for example, an identifier from type long. For more generic use, the second approach maybe the better one.


A Java-Library that offers some support for easy combining the SQLbuilder-Core with Spring JDBC







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