🔺 Reverse Image Search helps you quickly discover visually similar images from around the web. Upload a photograph from your desktop to this tool and it will show you related images used on other websites and also different sizes of the same photo almost instantly using Google.
🧲 Find information about a photo. A reverse image search could bring up a website that includes a person's name or information about a product.
🎯 Uncover plagiarism. A reverse image search will bring up similar images. This can reveal whether an image was copied from someone else's work.
📸 Find other similar images. If you want to find other photos connected to a specific image, a reverse search will also populate related pictures.
$ git clone https://github.com/deadlysnowman3308/reverse_image_Search
$ cd reverse_image_Search
$ sudo chmod +x *
$ sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ sudo python3 reverse_image_Search.py
$ python3 reverse_image_Search.py