- Customizable styles including text, background color, leading icons and more
- Responsive layout design, uses Media Queries to adapt on various screen sizes
- Pre-defined methods for various message types with default styles and icons
- Being an overlay, it doesn't disturb the widget tree or get affected by context change
Add top_snackbar
to your pubspec.yaml
top_snackbar: ^0.0.6 # Use the latest version
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:top_snackbar/top_snackbar.dart';
To show a custom top snackbar message, use the CustomTopSnackbar.show
'Your message here',
// Customize more additional properties as required (optional)
leadingIcon: Icons.copy,
backgroundColor: Colors.blue,
The library provides pre-defined methods for different message types with default styles and icons:
- Info: Display an informational message.
CustomTopSnackbar.showInfo(context, 'Info message');
- Success: Display a success message.
CustomTopSnackbar.showSuccess(context, 'Success message');
- Error: Display an error message.
CustomTopSnackbar.showError(context, 'Error message');
- Warning: Display a warning message.
CustomTopSnackbar.showWarning(context, 'Warning message');