#Vending Machine
A simple vending machine in Ruby.
##The Task
Design a Vending Machine, which can accept different coins, deliver different products.
- Once a product is selected and the appropriate amount of money is inserted, the machine should return that product.
- It should also return change if too much money is provided or
- ask for more money if there is not enough.
- The machine should take an initial dump of products and change with denominations 50p, Re1, Rs2, Rs5, Rs10.
- There should also be a way of reloading both products and change at a later point.
- The machine needs to keep track of the products and money that it contains.
##Technologies Used
- Ruby
- RSpec
##How To Run
git clone https://github.com/deb007/vending-machine
cd vending-machine
require './lib/vending_machine'
The customer is initialized with money, in the form {denomination_in_coins: frequency}
. The vending machine is initialized with an array of products and money in the aforementioned form. Products are initialized with a name and a price in coins.
customer = Customer.new({200 => 1, 100 => 1})
vending_machine = VendingMachine.new [Product.new("Potato Chips", 250)], {50 => 1}
customer.buy product: "Potato Chips", at: vending_machine, with: customer.wallet
#=> You have inserted Rs3.00
#=> Your change is Rs0.50
The customer's 'bag' now has the product:
#=> [#<Product:0x007fad75c5bf28 @name="Potato Chips", @price=250>]
The vending machine should have Rs2, Rs1 and no longer have 50p. Meanwhile, the customer should have the 50p and nothing else:
#=> {50=>0, 200=>1, 100=>1}
#=> {50=>1, 200=> 0, 100=> 0}
And its list of products should be empty:
#=> []
When insufficient money is paid, the vending machine prints to the console: You have not inserted enough money
When the vending machine's products and change are empty, a maintenance man is in charge of replenishing them.
maintenance_man = MaintenanceMan.new vending_machine
maintenance_man.stock_vending_machine with:[Product.new("Chocolate", 50), Product.new("Water", 100)]
#=> [#<Product:0x007f993ac8f020 @name="Chocolate", @price=50>, #<Product:0x007f993ac8ef80 @name="Water", @price=100>]
maintenance_man.refill_coin_box with:{50 => 1, 100 => 1, 200 => 1}
#=> {50=>1, 200=>2, 100=>2}
##How To Run Tests