Here are Docker Swarm and Docker-Compose template files that you can use to integrate Talkyard into your already existing Docker Swarm or Docker-Compose installation.
so you can optionally use your own Docker repository, with your own images
and version numbers.
Currently this has been tested with Docker-Compose only, not Swarm.
To make all this work with Docker Swarm too, then,
would probably need to run envsubst
to update variables in a Swarm stack config file,
before deploying? Like this?:
export $(grep -v '^#' .env | xargs -d '\n') envsubst < .env
Or like this?: sh -ac ' . ./.env; envsubst < .env'
, see
Or: "You right about .env file but this issue usually can be fixed by this way: env $(cat .env | grep ^[A-Z] | xargs) docker stack deploy
" see here, the answer's first comment reply.
Missing: Automatic backups. Probably there'll be an image that backups the database and uploaded files regularly, to the talkyard-backups Docker volume. It'll be your responsibility to mirror (e.g. via rsync) this volume's contents to a safe place.
Missing: Automatic upgrades. What about a script that you can install as a cron job,
which does git pull
to get the latest version, and then does docker-compose restart
If you'd like to install on a new server, dedicated to Talkyard only, then, probably simpler for you to use instead. Talkyard-prod-one already does automatic backups and upgrades.
To prepare Ubuntu and install Docker-Compose, you can do this:
# Setup a firewall (its name is "ufw")
ufw allow OpenSSH
ufw allow http
ufw allow https
ufw enable
# Make your server Redis and ElasticSearch friendly, and configure automatic
# operating system security upgrades.
vi # have a look at what the script does, maybe comment out some things
chmod u+x
# Install Docker-Compose if you haven't already.
vi # have a look at the script
chmod u+x
sudo -i
cd /opt/
git clone
cd talkyard-prod-swarm
git submodule update --init
# Start a reverse proxy with HTTPS.
docker network create proxy_net
pushd .
cd traefik/
vi traefik.toml # Fill in your email address, the field.
# Optionally, enable the dashboard.
touch acme.json
chmod 600 acme.json
docker-compose up -d
# Configure your hostname, PostgreSQL password, and optionally a Docker repository.
vi talkyard.env # softlinks to .env
# Configure memory.
cp mem/2g.yml docker-compose.override.yml
# Edit email server settings.
vi conf/play-framework.conf
# Upgrade to the latest version.
pushd .
cd talkyard-versions/
git checkout master
git pull origin
# Start Talkyard
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose logs -f --tail 33
Upgrading to newer versions: git pull
new versions of the
Compose and Swarm config files:
cd /opt/talkyard-prod-swarm/talkyard-versions
git pull
cd ..
docker-compose down
docker-compose up -d # will download new images
docker-compose logs -f --tail 999
You can override the default settings in docker-compose.override.yml
Copyright (c) 2019 Debiki AB and Kaj Magnus Lindberg
License: MIT (this repository only — the Talkyard source code is
elsewhere under a different license)