This repository emulates various workloads against YugaByte DB. YugaByte DB is a multi-model database that supports:
- YSQL (Distributed SQL API with joins. Compatible with PostgreSQL)
- YCQL (Flexible-schema API with indexes, transactions and the JSONB data type. Roots in Cassandra QL)
- YEDIS (Transactional KV API with elasticity and persistence. Compatible with Redis)
The workloads here have drivers compatible with the above and emulate a number of real-work scenarios.
Download yb-sample-apps JAR
$ wget
For help, simply run the following:
$ java -jar yb-sample-apps.jar --help
You should see the set of workloads available in the app.
To get details on running any app, just pass the app name as a parameter to the --help
$ java -jar yb-sample-apps.jar --help CassandraKeyValue
1 [main] INFO com.yugabyte.sample.Main - Starting sample app...
Usage and options for workload CassandraKeyValue in YugaByte DB Sample Apps.
- CassandraKeyValue :
Sample key-value app built on Cassandra with concurrent reader and writer threads.
Each of these threads operates on a single key-value pair. The number of readers
and writers, the value size, the number of inserts vs updates are configurable.
By default number of reads and writes operations are configured to 1500000 and 2000000 respectively.
User can run read/write(both) operations indefinitely by passing -1 to --num_reads or --num_writes or both
java -jar yb-sample-apps.jar \
--workload CassandraKeyValue \
Other options (with default values):
[ --num_unique_keys 2000000 ]
[ --num_reads 1500000 ]
[ --num_writes 2000000 ]
[ --value_size 0 ]
[ --num_threads_read 24 ]
[ --num_threads_write 2 ]
[ --table_ttl_seconds -1 ]
You need the following to build:
- Java 1.8 or above
- Maven version 3.3.9 or above
To build, simply run the following:
$ mvn -DskipTests -DskipDockerBuild package
You can find the executable one-jar at the following location:
$ ls target/yb-sample-apps.jar
To docker image with the package, simply run the following:
$ mvn package
Below is a list of workloads.
App Name | Description |
CassandraHelloWorld | A very simple app that writes and reads one employee record into an 'Employee' table |
CassandraKeyValue | Sample key-value app built on Cassandra with concurrent reader and writer threads. |
CassandraBatchKeyValue | Sample batch key-value app built on Cassandra with concurrent reader and writer threads. |
CassandraBatchTimeseries | Timeseries/IoT app built that simulates metric data emitted by devices periodically. |
CassandraEventData | A sample IoT event data application with batch processing. |
CassandraTransactionalKeyValue | Key-value app with multi-row transactions. Each write txn inserts a pair of unique string keys with the same value. |
CassandraTransactionalRestartRead | This workload writes one key per thread, each time incrementing it's value and storing it in array. |
CassandraStockTicker | Sample stock ticker app built on CQL. Models stock tickers each of which emits quote data every second. |
CassandraTimeseries | Sample timeseries/IoT app built on CQL. The app models users with devices, each emitting multiple metrics per second. |
CassandraUserId | Sample user id app built on Cassandra. The app writes out 1M unique user ids |
CassandraPersonalization | User personalization app. Writes unique customer ids, each with a set of coupons for different stores. |
CassandraSecondaryIndex | Secondary index on key-value YCQL table. Writes unique keys with an index on values. Query keys by values |
CassandraUniqueSecondaryIndex | Sample key-value app built on Cassandra. The app writes out unique string keys |
RedisKeyValue | Sample key-value app built on Redis. The app writes out unique string keys each with a string value. |
RedisPipelinedKeyValue | Sample batched key-value app built on Redis. The app reads and writes a batch of key-value pairs. |
RedisHashPipelined | Sample redis hash-map based app built on RedisPipelined for batched operations. |
RedisYBClientKeyValue | Sample key-value app built on Redis that uses the YBJedis (multi-node) client instead |
SqlInserts | Sample key-value app built on PostgreSQL with concurrent readers and writers. The app inserts unique string keys |
SqlUpdates | Sample key-value app built on PostgreSQL with concurrent readers and writers. The app updates existing string keys |
SqlSecondaryIndex | Sample key-value app built on postgresql. The app writes out unique string keys |
SqlSnapshotTxns | Sample key-value app built on postgresql. The app writes out unique string keys |