This repository has been assimilated into
Keyboard layout indicator+switcher widget for awesome window manager.
Drop the script into your awesome config folder. Suggestion:
cd ~/.config/awesome
git clone
In your rc.lua
-- load the widget code
local layout_indicator = require("keyboard-layout-indicator")
-- define your layouts
kbdcfg = layout_indicator({
layouts = {
{name="dv", layout="de", variant="dvorak"},
{name="de", layout="de", variant=nil},
{name="us", layout="us", variant=nil}
-- optionally, specify commands to be executed after changing layout:
post_set_hooks = {
"xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap",
"setxkbmap -option caps:escape"
-- add the widget to your wibox
-- Add bindings
local globalkeys = awful.util.table.join(
awful.key({ "Shift" }, "Shift_R", function() kbdcfg:next() end ),
awful.key({ "Mod4", "Shift" }, "Shift_R", function() kbdcfg:prev() end ),
NOTE: middle click on the widget executes a prompt which lets you set a custom
keyboard layout. However, this will work only if you assign s.mypromptbox
in the awesome 4.0 default rc.lua
. Otherwise, you have to rebind the
behaviour manually, see the source code.