This repository has been assimilated into
Volume indicator+control widget for awesome window manager.
Simply drop the script into your awesome config folder, e.g.:
cd ~/.config/awesome
git clone
I recommend to also install the following:
pacman -S pavucontrol # open volume manager with middle/right click
pacman -S acpid # instant status updates (acpi_listen)
systemctl enable acpid
In your ~/.config/awesome/rc.lua
-- load the widget code
local volume_control = require("volume-control")
-- define your volume control, using default settings:
volumecfg = volume_control({})
-- add the widget to your wibox
-- add key bindings
local globalkeys = awful.util.table.join(
awful.key({}, "XF86AudioRaiseVolume", function() volumecfg:up() end),
awful.key({}, "XF86AudioLowerVolume", function() volumecfg:down() end),
awful.key({}, "XF86AudioMute", function() volumecfg:toggle() end),
One common pitfall is using the wrong sound device. On systems with pulseaudio, it's usually best to create the control with:
volumecfg = volume_control {device="pulse"}
On some systems, clicking the widget will mute audio, however clicking it again will only unmute Master while leaving other subsystems (Speaker, …) muted, see e.g. #10. This may be fixed by setting the device to pulse, as described above.
For pre-2019 alsa-utils
, if you have the listen
enabled, unplugging USB
headphones sometimes causes the process that monitors for audio status changes
(alsactl monitor
) to spin at 100% CPU, see
#11. When this
happens, you can safely kill the process or restart awesome (Mod4 + Control + R
). This bug was fixed in alsa-utils 1.1.7
You can specify any subset of the following arguments to the constructor. The default values are as follows:
volumecfg = volume_control({
device = nil, -- e.g.: "default", "pulse"
cardid = nil, -- e.g.: 0, 1, ...
channel = "Master",
step = '5%', -- step size for up/down
lclick = "toggle", -- mouse actions described below
mclick = "pavucontrol",
rclick = "pavucontrol",
listen = false, -- enable/disable listening for audio status changes
widget = nil, -- use this instead of creating a awful.widget.textbox
font = nil, -- font used for the widget's text
callback = nil, -- called to update the widget: `callback(self, state)`
widget_text = {
on = '% 3d%% ', -- three digits, fill with leading spaces
off = '% 3dM ',
tooltip_text = [[
Volume: ${volume}% ${state}
Channel: ${channel}
Device: ${device}
Card: ${card}]],
The easiest way to customize what happens on left/right/middle click is to specify additional arguments to the constructor. These can be of any of the following kinds:
- name of a member function:
- command string to execute
- a callable that will be called with the volume control as first parameter
volumecfg = volume_control({
lclick="toggle", -- name of member function
mclick=TERMINAL .. " -x alsamixer", -- command to execute
rclick=function(self) self:mute() end, -- callable, equivalent to "mute"
You can use the module as a basis to implement your own volume widget. For example, an icon widget can be created as follows:
local function get_image(volume, state)
local icondir = os.getenv("HOME") .. "/.local/share/icons/"
if volume == 0 or state == "off" then return icondir .. "audio_mute.png"
elseif volume <= 33 then return icondir .. "audio_low.png"
elseif volume <= 66 then return icondir .. "audio_med.png"
else return icondir .. "audio_high.png"
local volume_widget = volume_control {
tooltip = true,
widget = wibox.widget.imagebox(),
callback = function(self, setting)
get_image(setting.volume, setting.state))
However, in this case, I recommend to use pasystray instead.
- awesome 4.0.
- pavucontrol (optional)
- acpid (optional)
You will also need amixer
and alsactl
, most likely your distro has a
package called alsa-utils
that contains them.
If you are using pipewire
, you have to configure it to manage clients
using the userspace component of ALSA. For example on Arch Linux, this can
be done by installing the package pipewire-alsa
. For Debian, you can
follow the instructions provided in the
Debian Wiki.
Similarly, if you are using pulseaudio
, you need to configure it to manage
clients using the userspace component of ALSA. For Arch Linux, that means
installing the package pulseaudio-alsa
If you like a volume control with an icon instead of text, I suggest to use pasystray, which is a more comprehensive solution and built for the systray (not awesome widget) with a much nicer menu.