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Polygon Annotation

  1. Introduction
  2. Features
  3. Installation
  4. Usage
  5. Props
  6. Contributing


This react polygon annotation component helps you for annotating objects or regions of interest within images (video support is going to be added). Polygon annotation is a crucial part of many computer vision and image processing applications, and this component simplifies the integration of this functionality into your React projects.

What is Polygon Annotation?

Polygon annotation is a technique used in computer vision to define the boundaries of objects or regions within an image or video by specifying a series of connected vertices.


This library is an ideal choice for those seeking to create their annotation workflows.

  • Polygon annotation on image.
  • Multiple support: Draw multiple polygons.
  • Drag and Drop: Easily edit your points by dragging and dropping vertices or entire polygons.
  • Flexible Usage: Restrict drag and drop within image, set a maximum limit on the number of polygons.
  • Custom Styling: Customize the appearance of your annotations, including colors and vertex properties.
  • Undo and Redo: Effortlessly manage your annotation history with built-in undo and redo functionality.
  • Initial data: You can bring your own polygon data and use it as initial polygons.
  • Edit label: updateLabel function allows you to edit label, it is just the function you can use your custom input elements.
  • Delete: Delete selected polygon, or clear all data.
  • Polygon annotation on video (who wants to use it in a live cam, i.e. workplace safety AIs)


npm install polygon-annotation


yarn add polygon-annotation


Prop Type Description Default
bgImage string Image path. ''
maxPolygons number The maximum number of polygons allowed to be drawn. 1
imageSize ImageSize Width and height of the image (if it's not provided, it uses original width and height of the image).
polygonStyle PolygonStyle Polygon style.
showLabel boolean Boolean value that you can see the label
initialPolygons PolygonInputProps If you use another tool, like LabelMe, you can export the data and use here as initial data.
children ReactNode The PolygonAnnotation component is a provider component, you can access coordiantes(points) and undo/redo within child component. i.e. Toolbar component. <></>


Prop Type
width number
height number


Prop Type
vertexRadius number
lineColor string
fillColor string
vertexColor string


Prop Type
id? string
label? string
points number[][]


1. Only Drawing Polygons

const imageSource = './space_landscape.jpg';
const maxPolygons = 2;
const polygonStyle = {
  vertexRadius: 6,
  lineColor: '#1ea703',
  fillColor: '#37f71139',
  vertexColor: '#ff0000',
const initialData = [
    label: 'planet',
    points: [
      [456.5, 53],
      [442.5, 102],
      [477.5, 165],
      [536.5, 176],
      [593.5, 132],
      [593.5, 71],
      [560.5, 29],
      [517.5, 25],
const Example = () => {
  return (

2. Export Data, Update Label and Manipulate History

To export the drawn data you need to use useGetPolygons hook exported from the library. This hook returns polygons data and also a function to enable to update polygon's label.

There is another hook exported from the library called useUndoRedo. It returns undo and redo actions.

See an example toolbar in demo app here which displays how you can customize the data setting, i.e. set polygonStyle, set max polygon number to draw, edit labels, export data, and perform undo/redo actions.

NOTE: This toolbar component should be the children of the PolygonAnnotation component to use the hooks.


You are welcome to open issues, pull requests or feature requests.