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Back then on 2019, i create this responsive and clean web landing page, implementing css framework bootstrap 4 for the first time. The combination of creativity and curiousity for web development showcased in this project serves as an excellent learning experience for me when first starting as web developer.
If you're cloned this project and need assistance or face any bugs, please contacted me.
- Bootstrap 4
- Font Awesome 5
👉 Informative landing page: Informative section on page for SEO.
👉 Clean and Colorful design: Utilizes color and component for engaging user inteface.
👉 Responsive Design: Ensures optimal display and functionality across all devices.
and many more
Follow these steps to set up the project locally on your machine.
Make sure you have the following installed on your machine:
Cloning the Repository
git clone git@github.com:deikairru/tindogirru.git
cd tindogirru
No need installation because all the framework and icon using cdn bootstrap hardcoded in files
Running the Project
Open the index.html
via browser, or deploy using github pages.
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Best Regards, Deikairru