rand Public
A simple CLI script for generating a random number between a given range
Go MIT License UpdatedDec 12, 2023 -
yes-no Public
A simple CLI script for randomly generating a yes/no answer
Go MIT License UpdatedJun 16, 2023 -
vision-quest Public
A simple, open-source vision board creator.
cli-esp-trainer Public
CLI ESP trainer based on Russell Targ's research.
Authentication provider for graphene-django and Google Firebase's Authentication service
twin.macro Public
Forked from ben-rogerson/twin.macro🦹♂️ Twin blends the magic of Tailwind with the flexibility of css-in-js (emotion, styled-components, stitches and goober) at build time.
react-tailwind-env Public
Forked from teambit/react-tailwind-envAn example of a custom react env with basic support for tailwindcss
songwhip-cli Public
Get the link to a track on Songwhip via the command line.
Next-js-Boilerplate Public
Forked from ixartz/Next-js-Boilerplate🚀 Boilerplate and Starter for Next.js 11+, Tailwind CSS 2.0 and TypeScript ⚡️ Made with developer experience first: Next.js + TypeScript + ESLint + Prettier + Husky + Lint-Staged + VSCode + Netlify…
react-apollo-error-template Public
Forked from apollographql/react-apollo-error-templateApollo Client issue reproduction.
DefinitelyTyped Public
Forked from DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTypedThe repository for high quality TypeScript type definitions.
react-notification-provider Public
Forked from anthonyshort/react-notification-providerHeadless notification system for React using hooks.
static-site-boilerplate Public
A simple boilerplate for static website development.
gatsby-starter-epic Public
Generic starter for Gatsby with good, opinionated defaults. Suitable for most static projects.
syncvibes Public
Universal format for asynchronously syncing playlists between multiple devices/players. WIP.
duplicate-music-search Public
Easily search for and remove duplicate music
okcupid-search Public
Filters a list of profiles from OkCupid by some given parameters, so you don't have to spend a lifetime swiping. Built for people who despise dating apps.
snazpy Public
Simple, robust, and straightforward linting for Python. Inspired by ESLint. WIP.
enzyme Public
Forked from enzymejs/enzymeJavaScript Testing utilities for React
gatsby-starter-blog Public
Forked from gatsbyjs/gatsby-starter-blogGatsby starter for creating a blog
gatsby Public
Forked from gatsbyjs/gatsbyBuild blazing fast, modern apps and websites with React
now-github-starter Public
Forked from CodeBrew28/now-github-starterStarter project to demonstrate a project whose pull requests get automatically deployed
todo-list-server-node Public
Forked from gokulkrishh/rest-apiA example todo list rest api using express and mongodb.
django-livereload-server Public
Forked from tjwalch/django-livereload-serverLivereload functionality integrated with your Django development environment.