Project Abalone works on creating an AI abalone player who can beat human players or other AI players.
Install Python, version 3.6
Install Pycharm IDE
Install Pygame
In Pycharm IDE, Settings -> Project: ProjectAbalone -> Project Interpreter ->
Click the + Sign on the Right -> Search Pygame -> Install Package
In any OSs, open a terminal -> Change to the Python directory -> Type "pip3 install pygame"
Install Thorpy
In Pycharm IDE, Settings -> Project: ProjectAbalone -> Project Interpreter ->
Click the + Sign on the Right -> Search Thorpy -> Install Package
In any OSs, open a terminal -> Change to the Python directory -> Type "pip3 install thorpy"
In Pycharm IDE, open file -> Click the right button -> Select "Run"
In any OSs, open a terminal -> Change to the project directory -> Type "python"