This projetct intend to help developers by providing a code base with very simple examples of a specific porpouse. The most important statement here is:
The code examples are organized in folders so we can find it better what you are looking for.
If you want to contribute with this fantactic project join us and submit your Pull Request following the contributing guidelines
- algorithms
- dijkstra
- bfs
- bubblesort
- quicksort
- binarysearch
- cloud
- aws
- s3
- lambda
- sqs
- sns
- gcp
- gcs
- azure
- aws
- design-patterns
- strategy
- decorator
- builder
- singleton
- abstractfactory
- flyweight
- python-standard-library
- generator
- list-comprehension
- generator-expression
- partial
- libraries
- celery
- lasier
- django
- flask
- asyncio
- aiohhtp
- gunicorn
- tools
- git
- rebase
- amend
- cherry pick
- git