Repository for use with the Udemy course Learn Apache Camel Framework with Spring Boot
spring init --build=maven --java-version=11 --dependencies=devtools,web,actuator,camel --groupId=com.microservices --artifactId=camel-microservice-b --name=camel-microservice-a --bootVersion=2.5.7 spring init --build=maven --java-version=11 --dependencies=devtools,web,actuator,camel --groupId=com.microservices --artifactId=camel-microservice-b --name=camel-microservice-b --bootVersion=2.5.7
unzip -d camel-microservice-a unzip -d camel-microservice-b
rm *.zip
cd camel-microservice-a mvn spring-boot:run
docker run -p 61616:61616 -p 8161:8161 rmohr/activemq:5.15.9
cd files/json echo '{"id": 1, "from": "EUR", "to": "USD", "conversion": 10}' > test.json
cd files/xml echo '1EURUSD2' > test.xml
kafka add to /etc/hosts hostname of kafka (docker ps check container id) can't we solve this some other way?