example on how to convert a simple website to a mobile cordova app
XCode (only on macOS for iOS compilation)
imagemagick, used in
(brew install imagemagick
clone the repo and enter its folder
npm install
npx cordova platform add android ios browser
npx cordova prepare
npm run generate-cordova-icon
file starting frombuild.sample.json
cp build.sample.json build.json
npm start
open browser at localhost:8000
You need to install JDK8
brew cask install caskroom/versions/java8
You can install android-sdk, but I suggest to install android-studio
brew cask install android-studio
launch it and download android-sdk with its internal tool
Accept all SDK package licenses
$ANDROID_HOME/tools/bin/sdkmanager --license
You need to install gradle
brew install gradle
You should give gradle execution permissions
sudo chmod -R 755 /Applications/Android\ Studio.app/Contents/gradle
Make sure to have android-sdk installed and configured, then create a keystore with Android Studio or use an existent keystore file and place it in
file{ // ... "android": { "release": { "keystore": "certs/android/my-release-key.jks", "storePassword": "", // android keystore store password "alias": "", // android keystore alias "password": "", // android keystore password "keystoreType": "JKS" } } }
npm run build-android
npm run start-android
npm run dist-android
Now you can find the Android's release apk in the following path
Make sure to have an updated version of Xcode
I suggest you to "Automatically manage signing" of Xcode. If you want to manage compilation programmatically you should install and configure certificates for iOS development, but ONLY if you want to manage compilation programmatically.
Create the required certificates on Apple Developer website, download and install them.
- iPhone Developer
- iPhone Distribution
- Developer ID Application
Create the required provisioning profiles on Apple Developer website and download them.
- Development
- Distribution
security find-identity -v
to show installed Apple identities$ security find-identity -v 1) 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 "iPhone Developer: Name Surname (ABC1234567)" 2) 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 "iPhone Distribution: Name Surname (DEF1234567)" 3) 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222 "Developer ID Application: Name Surname (DEF1234567)" 3 valid identities found
Open provisioning profile files to read provisioning profile ID
<key>UUID</key> <string>11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555</string> <!-- ^ this code is the provisioning profile id -->
file, but ONLY if you want to manage compilation programmatically.{ "ios": { "debug": { "codeSignIdentity": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", // iPhone Developer identity code "provisioningProfile": "11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555", // Development provisioning profile id "developmentTeam": "ABC1234567", // iPhone Developer team code "packageType": "development" }, "release": { "codeSignIdentity": "1111111111111111111111111111111111111111", // iPhone Distribution identity "provisioningProfile": "e38c531c-4b77-4e4a-ae15-45727ae5e1aa", // Distribution provisioning profile id "developmentTeam": "DEF1234567", // iPhone Distribution team code "packageType": "app-store" } } // ... }
npm run build-ios
npm run start-ios
npm run dist-ios
To upload the iOS app, open Xcode with
npm run open-xcode
, then openProduct
in the main menu to compile and upload to the App Store
nice -n12 npm run dist