This is a class for reading the contents of serial COM ports, for example, reading data coming from Arduino-type boards.
1)Upload files "com_reader.cpp" and "com_reader.h" to the root where the project is assembling.
2)add com_reader.h
#include "com_reader.h"
3)An object of the ComReader class is created for reading.
ComReader Ard(L"COM1", 9600, 8);
Here COM3 is the name of the com port, 9600 is the read speed, 8 is the size of the readable character. The reading speed parameter can be seen in the port opening settings on your board. For example on Arduino it is set like this:
A vector of the char type is returned from the com port, which can be processed later.
std::vector<char> input_vector; input_vector = Ard.getCharData();
A C-style string is returned from the com port, which can be processed later.
char* str; str = Ard.getCharData();
You can return the size of the received data packet using the method:
size_t size = Ard.getSizeData();
An ordinary output to the console can be done by: