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Release v1.1.0

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@derb12 derb12 released this 18 Feb 19:58

Version 1.1.0 (2024-02-18)

This is a minor version with new features, deprecations,
and documentation improvements.

New Features

  • Added two dimensional versions of various baseline correction algorithms,
    with the focus on Whittaker-smoothing-based, spline, and polynomial methods.
    These can be accessed using the new Baseline2D class.
  • Added the Baseline2D.individual_axes method, which allows fitting each row and/or
    column in two dimensional data with any one dimensional method in pybaselines.
  • Added a version of the rubberband method to pybaselines.misc which allows fitting
    individual segments within data to better fit concave-shaped data.
  • Added the Customized Baseline Correction (custom_bc) method to
    pybaselines.optimizers, which allows fitting baselines with controllable
    levels of stiffness in different regions.
  • Added a penalized version of mpls (pspline_mpls) to pybaselines.spline.
  • Updated spline.mixture_model to use expectation-maximization rather than the previous
    nieve approach of fitting the histogram of the residuals with the probability density
    function. Should reduce calculation times.
  • Added a function for penalized spline (P-spline) smoothing to pybaselines.utils,
    pybaselines.utils.pspline_smooth, which will return a tuple of the smoothed input and
    the knots, spline coefficients, and spline degree for any further use with
    SciPy's BSpline.

Other Changes

  • Officially list Python 3.12 as supported.
  • Updated lowest supported Python version to 3.8
  • Updated lowest supported dependency versions: NumPy 1.20, SciPy 1.5,
    pentapy 1.1, and Numba 0.49
  • Use SciPy's sparse arrays when the installed SciPy version is 1.12 or newer. This
    only affects user codes if using functions from the pybaselines.utils module.
  • Vendor SciPy's cwt and ricker functions, which were deprecated from SciPy in version 1.12.

Deprecations/Breaking Changes

  • Deprecated passing num_bins to spline.mixture_model. The keyword argument will
    be removed in version 1.3.
  • Removed the pybaselines.config module, which was simply used to set the pentapy solver.
    The same behavior can be done by setting the pentapy_solver attribute of a Baseline
    object after initialization.


  • Added a section of the documentation explaining the extension of baseline correction for
    two dimensional data.
  • Added new examples for 2D baseline correction and for custom_bc.