Basic implementation of using firebase/firestore in polymer3
ATTENTION: This component still contains a lot of unneccessary content and is not properly tested. It should serve as start to find an alternative to use firebase and firestore with Polymer 3.
<!-- AUTHENTICATION (more settings to be done in data-auth.js, this is to be changed -->
<data-auth id="auth" user="{{user}}" location="..." status-known="{{userStatusKnown}}"></data-auth>
<!-- FIREBASE -->
<data-firebase data="{{data}}" requested-location="users/xyz" live="true"></data-firebase>
<!-- FIRESTORE -->
<!-- bind to collection -->
<data-firestore collection-path="public" collect="{{collection}}" query-filter-category="category" query-filter-value="[[categorySelected]]" live="true"></data-firestore>
<!-- bind to data -->
<data-firestore document-path="user/userxyz" data="{{data}}"></data-firestore>
<!-- DATA UPLOAD -->
possible, example TBD