A collection of tools and modules for producing the 2pt data products and necessary components for parameter estimation using them.
To run the pipeline interactively with the supplied Y1 yaml file, use (e.g., from 2pt_pipeline/) python -m pipeline --stage stage_name mcal.yaml
stage_name is one of nofz, 2pt, cov, write_fits.
- https://github.com/joezuntz/2point/
- https://github.com/esheldon/fitsio
- https://github.com/rmjarvis/TreeCorr/ (to calculate 2pt functions, stage 2pt)
- https://bitbucket.org/timeifler/cosmolike (to calculate covariance, stage cov)
- https://github.com/des-science/destest/ (For Y3 improvements, using data source/selector classes there.)