DES Y6 pipeline to validate galaxy-galaxy lensing datavectors
To execute, run python Options to run are listed in Make sure you specify settings and file paths in input/
Please contact Giulia Giannini (, Arthur Whyley (, or Georgios Zacharegkas ( for comments or questions.
When running including all the correction factors, the code will produce a 2pt file which requires blinding. The blinding repo is in
Blinding directory: Directory including ini files to use for the shift to apply to DV.
Parameters shifted:
- sigma8
- w
Source file:
Example on how to run (specifically on nersc): The following example scripts have the fiducial string keys for each of the two WL samples
Initialise the CSL_DIR variable to point to your cosmosis-standard-library
Make sure you include ANGLEMIN ANGLEMAX in your 2pt file