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Online Bus Booking System REST API


  1. User can Sign up
  2. User can Sign in
  3. Admin can create a trip
  4. Admin can cancel a trip
  5. Both admin and users can see all trips
  6. Both admin and users can see a specific trip
  7. Users can book a seat on a trip
  8. View all bookings. And admin can see all bookings, while a user can see all of his/her bookings
  9. Users can delete their bookings
  10. Users can get a list of filtered trips based on origin
  11. Users can get a list of filtered trips based on destination
  12. Users can specify their seat numbers when making a booking

Tech stacks and tools


  • Node/Express/Typescript: Server
  • Mysql: Primary Storage
  • TypeORM: Object-relational Mapper
  • AWS S3: Blob Storage
  • Stripe: Payment
  • Twilio/SendGrid: Email service


  • ESLint
  • Jest
  • GitHub actions

Getting Started

You can either fork this repository or Clone It by opening your terminal, navigating where you want to save it and run

git clone

Enter the project folder

cd busee

Rename the file .env.example to .env and update the variable values with valid ones.

You can set up the project with

npm install

And run it with 1.Development

npm run start:dev
  1. Production
npm run build && npm start
  1. Or run test suits with
npm test

You can as well check for linting erros with

npm run lint

Or format errors with

npm run format:check

API documentation

See the docs.


See the LICENSE.

PS: Project still under development...