This application is developed to help project developers to save time in generating team-html webpage profile. That takes in information about employees and generates an HTML webpage that displays summaries for each person. clearly and briefly.
This app I styled and looks good.
Developers can quickly and easily create information about employees and generates an HTML webpage that displays summaries for each person. by using a command-line application to generate one.
The app runs as a app.js to gather information about each employee, email, id, and specific information based on their role with the company. For instance, an intern may provide their school, manager may provide their OfficeNumber, whereas an engineer may provide their GitHub username.
you can quickly create a employee-team-profile-generator.
My employee-team-profile-generator includes all necessary code that is readable, reliable, and maintainable Oftentimes, node_modules, main Readme, screenshot images, and demonstration videos.
I put my LinkedIn profile, github and email address working activly.
The developer is authorizing a free installation by cloning from the repository code:-
you can run by install npm i to include node_module.
you can run by node app.js to employee-team-profile-generator.
For this app to run make sure first intall the node_moduale.
make sure creat repository in your github.
Clone the code from my github
employee-team-profile-generator and clone it in your comand line.
Make sure node_modules run by
npm i or npm installed
in your computer. -
Once in the directory run npm install to install the node_modules needed to run the app. Run by
node app.js
You will be prompted with questions.
employee-team-profile-generator Completed wrote the team.html file !!
will be desplayed after answering all the questions. -
you will see a high-quality, professional
is generated with the title of my project. -
you can generate a webpage that displays team's basic info.
you can tests the classes by commandline.
npm run test
I built with validation Id,email and OfficeNumber to ensure that the information provided is in the prope expected format.
you can quickly access to emails and GitHub profiles.
is in my repository enjoy it! -
Test Screenshot image
- This is Contributed by destish21/employee-team-profile-generator.
- But Contribution, issues and feature requests are welcome.
- Feel free to check issues page if you want to contribute.
- you can contact me by Contact Information here below.
LinkdIn Profile: Desta Mulualem
Deployed URL : https://destish21.github.io/employee-team-profile-generator/Develop/output/team.html
github URL: https://github.com/destish21/employee-team-profile-generator
Email: destish21@yahoo.com