Tetris implemented on BASYS 3 in SystemVerilog.
Tetris theme player and block rotation logic implemented by Buğra Aydın
Before synthesis, create a clocking wizard named clk_wiz_0 using Vivado's Clocking Wizard IP. Set out1 to 30 MHz, and out2 to 25.175MHz.
Random number generation is done on an Arduino. Deploy the script in RandomGen.ino to the Arduino and connect Arduino pins 11, 12, 13 to BASYS 3 pins JA2, JA3, JA4.
Blocks can be moved and rotated both by the buttons on BASYS 3 or from pins JC2, JC3, JC4, JC7.
Connect two buzzers to pins JB1 and JC1 for music.
GridCodeGen.java contains a Java class that is used to generate code for the VGA module to display the game grid.
Sometimes when multiple rows are supposed to be erased, one of them stays there, effectively breaking the game. This bug arises possibly due to the significant setup time violation.
There are slight visual glitches in the VGA image. However, they differ across builds so I couldn't identify the cause.