Strip any number of unwanted keys from an object, deeply.
yarn add deep-stripper
deepStrip(obj: Object, ...keys: String) : Object
You can call the function whatever you'd like when you import it. It's first parameter is the object you'd like to strip keys from. Every parameter after that is the name of a key you'd like stripped. A new object is returned and the original object is not mutated.
import deepStrip from 'deep-stripper'
const productGroup = {
productGroupId: '59115d3fd29c4b172789b2bf',
name: 'Stripper Starter Kit',
listingIds: [ '1234567890' ],
productArray: [
productId: 'XXX-POLE-CHROME',
quantity: 1,
__typename: 'ProductGroupMember'
productId: 'XXX-PASTIES-BLUE',
quantity: 2,
__typename: 'ProductGroupMember'
__typename: 'ProductGroup'
console.log(deepStrip(productGroup, '__typename', 'productGroupId'))
// Output:
name: 'Stripper Starter Kit',
listingIds: [ '1234567890' ],
productArray: [
productId: 'XXX-POLE-CHROME',
quantity: 1
productId: 'XXX-PASTIES-BLUE',
quantity: 2