This project aims to enable applications using Fentec Functional Encryption libraries CiFEr or Go version named GoFE library to run in Intel SGX with little or even no modifications of source code. We leverage library OS's such as Graphene or Occlum which are purposely built for Intel SGX. This project primarily contains various build and run configurations and sample applications.
There are two applications:
simple_app doesn't have any source code, it only contains Makefile script which downloads CiFEr github repo, builds library and example applications. Directory also a template file for generating the manifest used by Graphene to run in SGX. The example application runs locally without any client-server type of communication scenario. This project can be used as starter project for more complex SGX ready application.
pp_analytics_app contains source code for a client-server type of example implemented by us where multiple entities utilizing functional encryption run in SGX.
Both application are tested on Ubuntu 20.04, with both normal Linux and in SGX hardware mode container.
Follow Graphene Document to install Graphene and Intel SDK and tools.
Also make sure graphene-sgx-helloworld works on your machine.
Install CiFEr dependencies:
sudo apt install -y build-essential libgmp-dev libsodium-dev
1. simple_app From CiFEr Poject
Clone this repo and go to simple_app directory
cd simple_app
Run GRAPHENE_DIR=<graphene-root-dir> make
(non-debug) or GRAPHENE_DIR=<graphene-root-dir> make DEBUG=1
(debug) in the directory.
Run GRAPHENE_DIR=<graphene-root-dir> make SGX=1
(non-debug) or GRAPHENE_DIR=<graphene-root-dir> make SGX=1 DEBUG=1
(debug) in the directory.
Without SGX:
./pal_loader ./cifer_app
With SGX:
SGX=1 ./pal_loader ./cifer_app
2. pp_analytics_app End-To-End Application
Please check README for build and run instructions.