: Priceline is an online hotel, fight and cruise booking platform, where any individual across the world can book their rooms, tickets througn internet by visiting website.
Our team was given a task to Clone the Website. To see the live site click the below link.
Executing the commands mentioned below one by one in your command line will help in making this React app . Cloning
git clone
npm install
After cloning the repo to get the JSON data from json-server, you should run below commands.
For data
json-server db.json --port 3001
To run the react app execute below command
cd ./Priceline-Clone
npm run start
- Fullscreen mode
- Fully responsive( supported in all devices)
The Landing Page of priceline website displays various funds, success stories and chatbot application.
In top section there is a Header which displays varius section links of website.
Sliders are included in the page, popups are shown when hovered.
At the bottom section there is a footer, both Header & Footer are same across all the pages.
The page is responsive for all screen sizes.
The library used for icon is:""
Existing user can Login and new user's can SignUp themselves on page. From NavigationBar of Landing Page.
After Login user direcly redirect to home page. There are many Child pages linked to the Landing page and after login page, but for this clone following pages are made.
Below images shows steps to Book a Room.
There are some Key Features which are added in website clone such as:
- Customised filter and sorting function
- Supporters and Comments
- Easy navigation by category section