- A Linux or OS X environment
- Bash shell
- curl (tested against 7.51.0)
- jq http://stedolan.github.io/jq/ (tested against 1.5) If jq is not installed commands will output raw JSON; if jq is installed the output will be formatted and filtered for use with other shell tools.
Be sure, you've installed all the required components to sucessfully run the script.
Generate GitHub OAuth token which is required to run script (allows rate limit 5000 instead of 60).
Delete branches older than [n] days since today:
github-cleaner -t [oauth api token] -o [github repo owner] -r [github repo] --days [n]
Delete branches older than some date:
github-cleaner -t [oauth api token] -o [github repo owner] -r [github repo] --date [YYYY-MM-DD]
Parameter | Description |
-t | GitHub OAuth token |
-o | GitHub repository owner |
-r | GitHub repository |
--date | YYYY-MM-DD format. Branches that were last modified before this date will be removed. |
--days | alternate way set removal of branches that are N days older since now. |