Diaries Manager Applciation, where Users can add and store "Public" and "Private" Diaries, and View each other's public diaries !!
Demo Video 🔗: https://youtu.be/upgTPVDa4D4
- Run this command
git clone https://github.com/developer-junaid/Diaries-App.git
- You are now in the dev environment and you can play around
- SignIn/SignUp Authentication
- Create and Update Diaries
- Create and Update Entries
- Delete diaries and entries
- View other User's "Public" Diaries
- Create Public and Private Diaries
- Public: Everyone can view
- Private: Only you can view
- Accessibility Optimized
- Mobile Responsive
- Open Source (Tweak it and use it) :)
- CSS3
- ES+6
- Materialize Css
- ReactJs
- Redux, Redux Thunk
- Firebase Auth (Authentication)
- Firebase Firestore (Database)
- Firebase (Hosting)
- Moment (Date Formatting)
- React-spinners (loaders)
- SweetAlerts (Alerts)