Check out app devfemibadmus/picquestf Django admin is cool, but what’s even cooler is supercharging it to make you feel like the ultimate admin overlord—like, 'Oh yeah, I'm the admin; I can click all the things!' 😂, below are some explanation/code.
Registration/Login: Handles user signup and login, ensuring unique emails.
Data Retrieval: Retrieves user info and updates authentication tokens.
Payment Integration: Uses Paystack API for secure payments and verifies transactions.
Payout Management: Manages user payouts and referral bonuses.
Token Management: Regularly updates session tokens for enhanced security.
Error Handling: Provides appropriate error responses.
Task Retrieval: Retrieves user-assigned tasks for the current day, including counts of completed tasks and available tasks based on the user's daily limit.
Available Tasks: Provides a list of tasks not yet assigned to the user, randomly selected up to the remaining limit for the day.
Document Management: Administers user-submitted documents, allowing verification and unverification of documents based on provided government and student IDs. Includes custom filters to show deleted files and user verification status.
Payout Management: Handles financial transactions and payouts, including the ability to credit users for referrals and completed tasks. Manages withdrawal cancellations and tracks user balances based on various payout actions.
User Task Management: Oversees tasks assigned to users, with the ability to mark tasks as failed or passed. Updates user task statistics and manages payouts for successfully completed tasks.
User Administration: Manages user accounts and their details, including task counts and payment statuses. Excludes sensitive information from the admin display.
Token and Verification Management: Displays user tokens and verification fees, allowing admins to view verification and payment statuses directly linked to users.
Bank List Management: Administers the list of banks, including tracking usage frequency through custom filters that categorize banks by their usage in payout transactions.
class UsageFilter(SimpleListFilter):
title = 'Bank Usage' # Label for the filter in the admin UI
parameter_name = 'usage' # Query parameter for the filter
def lookups(self, request, model_admin):
# Define options for the filter: Most Used and Least Used
return [
('most_used', 'Most Used'),
('least_used', 'Least Used'),
def queryset(self, request, queryset):
# Filter queryset based on the selected usage option
if self.value() == 'most_used':
most_used_bank = PayOut.objects.values('bankcode').annotate(usage_count=Count('bankcode')).order_by('-usage_count').first()
if most_used_bank:
return queryset.filter(code=most_used_bank['bankcode'])
elif self.value() == 'least_used':
least_used_bank = PayOut.objects.values('bankcode').annotate(usage_count=Count('bankcode')).order_by('usage_count').first()
if least_used_bank:
return queryset.filter(code=least_used_bank['bankcode'])
return queryset # Return the original queryset if no filter is applied
class PayOutAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_display = ('dates', 'action', 'user', 'formatted_amount', 'description', 'checkout') # Columns to display in the admin list view
search_fields = ('user', 'dates') # Fields to enable search functionality in the admin
list_filter = ('user__is_verify', 'dates', 'checkout') # Filters for refining the list of records
actions = ['cancel_withdraw', 'referral_credited', 'paid_user', 'tasks_credited'] # Custom actions available in the admin interface
def formatted_amount(self, obj):
# Format the payout amount with a dollar sign for better readability
return f"${obj.amount}"
formatted_amount.short_description = 'Amount' # Column label for formatted amount
def referral_credited(self, request, queryset):
# Iterate through the selected payouts to credit users for referrals
user_balances = defaultdict(float) # Dictionary to keep track of user balance updates
for payout in queryset:
# Process only unchecked payouts
if not payout.checkout:
# Check if the description indicates a referral credit
if 'Credit for Referral will be added to your account' in payout.description:
payout.action = 'credit referral' # Update action to indicate a referral credit
payout.checkout = True # Mark the payout as processed
user_balances[payout.user] += payout.amount # Accumulate the credit to the user's balance # Save the updated payout record
# Update the balances of all affected users based on accumulated credits
for user, balance_increase in user_balances.items():
user.balance += balance_increase # Increase the user's balance # Save the updated user record
self.message_user(request, "Selected payouts have been marked as referral credited.") # Notify admin
def tasks_credited(self, request, queryset):
# Iterate through the selected payouts to credit users for completed tasks
user_balances = defaultdict(float) # Dictionary to track balance increases for users
for payout in queryset:
if not payout.checkout: # Process only unchecked payouts
# Check if the description indicates a task credit
if 'Credit for the tasks you’ve completed is pending' in payout.description:
payout.action = 'credit' # Update action to indicate a task credit
payout.checkout = True # Mark the payout as processed
user_balances[payout.user] += payout.amount # Add to the user's balance # Save the updated payout record
# Update the balances of all affected users
for user, balance_increase in user_balances.items():
user.balance += balance_increase # Increase the user's balance # Save the updated user record
self.message_user(request, "Selected payouts have been marked as tasks credited.") # Notify admin
def cancel_withdraw(self, request, queryset):
# Cancel selected withdrawals and restore balances to users
user_balances = defaultdict(float) # Dictionary to track restored balances
for payout in queryset:
if not payout.checkout: # Process only unchecked payouts
if payout.action == 'pending debit': # Check if the action indicates a pending withdrawal
user_balances[payout.user] += payout.amount # Accumulate the withdrawal amount to restore to the user
payout.delete() # Remove the payout record since it's cancelled
# Restore the balances for each affected user
for user, balance_increase in user_balances.items():
user.balance += balance_increase # Increase the user's balance # Save the updated user record
self.message_user(request, "Selected payouts have been marked as cancelled.") # Notify admin
def paid_user(self, request, queryset):
# Mark selected payouts as paid and update user records
for payout in queryset:
if not payout.checkout: # Process only unchecked payouts
if 'withdraw' in payout.description: # Check if the description indicates a withdrawal
payout.action = 'debit' # Update action to indicate a debit (payment)
payout.checkout = True # Mark the payout as processed # Save the updated payout record
self.message_user(request, "Selected payouts have been marked as paid.") # Notify admin
# Short descriptions for actions to display in the admin UI
cancel_withdraw.short_description = 'Cancel selected Withdraws'
referral_credited.short_description = 'Credit selected referrals'
tasks_credited.short_description = 'Credit selected tasks'
paid_user.short_description = 'Mark selected as Paid'
Clone the repositories:
- App:
git clone
- Website:
git clone
- App:
Build the Flutter web app:
cd picquestf flutter build web
Copy the built web app to your Django project:
cp -r build/web ../picquest/static/app
Continue with your Django settings configuration.