A lightweight API service that provides text correction and grammar checking capabilities using a Reverse Engineered Grammarly API. Built with Hono.js for optimal performance and reliability.
- Text correction and grammar checking
- Automatic spacing and punctuation formatting
- Error handling and input validation
- RESTful API endpoints
Analyzes and corrects the provided text using Grammarly's engine.
Endpoint: POST /correct
Request Body:
"text": "Your text here"
Success Response:
"error": false,
"message": "Your corrected text here"
Error Responses:
Invalid Request (400):
"error": true,
"message": "Invalid request body"
Server Error (500):
"error": true,
"message": "Internal server error"
Returns a friendly greeting message for all other routes.
Endpoint: GET *
"error": false,
"message": "Hi there!"
Input Validation
- The service validates incoming requests using Zod schema validation
- Ensures the text field is present and non-empty
Text Analysis
- Sends the text to Grammarly's API for analysis
- Implementation:
Text Transformation The service applies several transformations to the text:
a. Correction Application
- Processes each alert from Grammarly
- Applies suggested corrections sequentially
- Updates positions of subsequent corrections to account for text length changes
- Implementation:
b. Final Formatting
- Ensures proper spacing after punctuation
- Removes excessive spaces
- Trims the final result
- Implementation:
The service implements comprehensive error handling:
Request Validation Errors
- Validates request body schema
- Returns 400 status code for invalid requests
Server Errors
- Catches and logs unexpected errors
- Returns 500 status code with a generic error message
- Prevents sensitive error information from reaching the client