In this project, I was challenged to develop a complete application that scrapes articles from The Guardian's website, processes and stores the data in Google BigQuery, and provides an API built with FastAPI for querying the collected data.
- YouTube: video of the project running -
- Asynchronous Programming with asyncio and aiohttp to efficiently handle I/O-bound operations during web scraping.
- Use of the Factory Pattern to create instances of scrapers and manage processing and transformations. This ensures better code maintainability and facilitates scalability by allowing easy adaptation to incorporate additional data sources.
- Application of SOLID Principles to enhance modularity and separation of concerns, promoting cleaner and more maintainable code.
- Python 3.9
- FastAPI : Framework for building APIs with Python.
- Uvicorn : A lightning-fast ASGI server used to run the FastAPI application.
- Google Cloud BigQuery : Data Warehouse.
- aiohttp e asyncio : Libraries for asynchronous HTTP clients and servers, enabling non-blocking I/O operations.
- Pandas : Data analysis and manipulation.
- Docker : A platform for developing, shipping, and running applications inside containers.
- Docker Compose : A tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications.
- YAML : Used for configuration files.
- db-dtypes : A package providing support for BigQuery data types when using Pandas.
- Docker and Docker Compose installed on the system.
- A Google Cloud Platform account with access to BigQuery.
- Google Cloud credentials saved in
- Create a Google Cloud Project:
- In google cloud console, create a project called:
or modify the project name in the config.yaml files
- In google cloud console, create a project called:
- Create a Service Account and Add BigQuery Admin permission
- Create a service account key
- Save your credential
in the./credentials/
folder and or change the file name in both the Dockerfiles and the config.yaml files. - Build the Docker Image:
- In the project’s root directory, run:
docker-compose build
- Start the Services
docker-compose up
- Access the API
For more information or questions, please contact:
Name: Guilherme Carvalho