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As you already know i'm developing a public transport management system designing for public transportation in Sri Lanka.

My vision is to mdevelop the Sri Lanka No1 Online platform for public transport management

For that up to know I have referred lot of previous public transport management systems and gone through the lot of acedaming writings and identified lot of drawback and what are the most used featres in those systems.

What Have done up to done

Currently I have Started the implementation of the both web and mobile application for the Services providing section for the uses

I hope to develop second phase of my project whic was Sri Lanka Railways service prvide section. After completing the Services providing section for the uses

Done an Online servey before starting to develop my project to know what actually users need.

Mobile Implemetation - features

The implemeted feature up to now in Mobile Application

  1. Passsenger can Register and Login for the system.

  2. Passenger can view alll the bus routes and the details which have inserted to the real time database.

  3. Also they can view all the bus time tables with some addtional details related to mensioned routes.

  4. After seen time tables user can add bookings to their travel plans.

  5. From looking at the travel plan section user can confirm their bookings.

  6. User can update their profile including profile picture.

  7. User can Scan the QR code on front of their bus or train and Report issues or review about their journey.

  8. Intergrated googgle maps api now user can see their current location

Features to be implemented in mobile application

  1. Intergrate payment method.(Cash wile Journey or Debit/Credit).

  2. View nearest buses in the map.

  3. request pickup from the bus driver after viewing the bus on the map.

  4. Ask help from conductor section for the passenger while they are in the journey.

  5. Passenger can search about booking availability by selecting date, and from where to where.

  6. Conductors can be view bookings reserved for their bus from the system.

  7. Implement help for passenger section for thew conductor.

  8. Show pickup locations for the driver and confirm pickups.

Web Implementation - features

The implemeted feature up to now in Web Application

  1. Admin can login for the system.

  2. Admin can create, update and delete a new timetable including all the travel details.

  3. Admin can create, update and delete a new Routes including all the Route details.

  4. Admin can view all the time slots through the web application.

  5. Admin can view all the routes through the web application.

Features to be implemented in web application

  1. Bus Owner can login for the system and he wiil be provided company admin panel.

  2. Bus Owner both can add, update and delete a bus including all the bus details.

  3. Admin can add, update and delete a companies and their buses including all the company details.

  4. Admin and Bus Owner both can add, update and delete a Drivers including all the Driver details.

  5. Admin and Bus Owner both can add, update and delete a Conductors including all the Conductors details.

  6. Admin must manage Passenger Bookings After Passengers confirm them.

  7. Admin Must manage Passenger Bookings After Passengers confirm them.

  8. Admin must manage received reports and take actions for correct them.


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