This is a nodejs script that generates responsive images for your website. It uses the sharp image processing library.
Feel free to use it and modify it to your needs.
Usage: -i <input> -s [sizes] -t [filetypes] -o [outputdir] -c [clear]
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
-i, --input file or directory to process [required]
-s, --sizes different sizes to generate, separated by comma. Add a '-' to
skip this
-t, --filetypes different filetypes to generate, separated by comma
-c clear the output directory before processing, default false
[boolean] [default: false]
-i beach.jpg -s 500,750 -t webp,avif Resize and convert beach.jpg to 500px a
nd 750px in webp and avif format