Releases: devkitPro/nds-hb-menu
nds hbmenu 0.10.0
- Refactored for libnds 2.0.0
- Add support for SuperCard DS One
- Use latest upstream exception stub
- Use latest upstream bootloader
- rebuilt with latest tools & libraries
- Further improvements to overall system stability and other minor adjustments have been made to enhance the user experience.
nds hbmenu 0.9.0
What's Changed
- Support added for ACE3DS+ and clones
- Use latest upstream exception stub
- Use latest upstream bootloader
- rebuilt with latest tools & libraries
- Further improvements to overall system stability and other minor adjustments have been made to enhance the user experience.
nds hbmenu 0.8.0
hbmenu 0.7.1
- rebuilt with latest bootloader & libraries
NDS hbmenu 0.7.0
This release adds an external exception handler so homebrew no longer needs to install its own handler for debugging purposes.
NDS hbmenu 0.6.1
- Added bootstrap for iSmart Premium
- rebuilt with latest libraries
NDS hbmenu 0.6.0
Installation on your card is a simple matter of copying BOOT.NDS and the appropriate bootstrap file from the hbmenu folder in this archive. At present we have bootstrap launchers for the original R4, ezflash 5, dstt and Acekard 2(i). Copying all the files will give you a single SD card which will boot the Homebrew Menu on all 4 cards.
The bootstrap.cia file can be installed on a 3DS using FBI allowing DSi mode homebrew fun on your 3DS. This requires boot.nds on your SD card.
Place your homebrew games in the /nds folder and have fun.
Set up a DS mode connection for your wifi (open or wep, sorry) and enjoy sending DSi homebrew to your 3DS using dslink.
update version for release