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guide layout with primeng angular

devonfw-core edited this page Jan 5, 2022 · 3 revisions

PrimeNG Layout

The purpose of this guide is to get a basic understanding of creating layouts of PrimeNG in a devon4ng application. PrimeNG is a HTML/CSS framework.

Screenshot 0
Figure 1. This is what the finished application will look like

Let’s begin

We start with opening the console(in the Devon distribution folder) and running the following command to start a project named AngularZorroLayout.

devon ng new AngularPrimeNgLayout

Select y when it asks whether it would like to add Angular routing and select SCSS when it asks for the style sheet format. You can also use the devonfw IDE CLI to create a new devon4ng application.

Once the creation process is complete, open your newly created application in Visual Studio Code. Try running the empty application by running the following command in the integrated terminal:

devon ng serve

Angular will spin up a server and you can check your application by visiting http://localhost:4200/ in your browser.

Screenshot 1
Figure 2. Blank Application

Adding PrimeNG to the project

Next we will add Angular Material to our application. In the integrated terminal, press CTRL + C to terminate the running application and run the following command:

Run the ng add command for PrimeNG:

npm install primeng
npm install primeicons --save

After that we can see that the module is imported on app.module.ts

The css dependencies are as follows, Prime Icons, theme of your choice and structural css of components.

Screenshot 2
Figure 3. Styles on angular.json


Now we need to create a component for the header. We will create it with the command We will create a folder component to have a good practices.

ng generate component components/header
In this component, we are going to create the menu.
Screenshot 5
Figure 4. Menu
Screenshot 6
Figure 5. Menu Dropdown

And will create the code like:

Screenshot 3
Figure 6. Header
<p-menubar [model]="items">
  <ng-template pTemplate="start">
    <img src="assets/images/primeng.svg" height="40" class="p-mr-2">

How we see the menu has some properties from the library.

<p-menubar> is the first one, with this label we can create the menu and with the <ng-template pTemplate> we decided where the menu will be aligned.

The [model]=items means that the menu is looking for the "items" to print.

The items is a array but his type come from the PrimeNG. So we just need to import the MenuItem.

import { MenuItem } from 'primeng/api';`
And give some values.
this.items = [
        label: 'File',
        icon: 'pi pi-fw pi-file',
        items: [
            label: 'New',
            icon: 'pi pi-fw pi-plus',
            items: [
                label: 'Bookmark',
                icon: 'pi pi-fw pi-bookmark'
                label: 'Video',
                icon: 'pi pi-fw pi-video'

            label: 'Delete',
            icon: 'pi pi-fw pi-trash'
            separator: true
            label: 'Export',
            icon: 'pi pi-fw pi-external-link'
        label: 'Edit',
        icon: 'pi pi-fw pi-pencil',
        items: [
            label: 'Left',
            icon: 'pi pi-fw pi-align-left'
            label: 'Right',
            icon: 'pi pi-fw pi-align-right'
            label: 'Center',
            icon: 'pi pi-fw pi-align-center'
            label: 'Justify',
            icon: 'pi pi-fw pi-align-justify'

        label: 'Users',
        icon: 'pi pi-fw pi-user',
        items: [
            label: 'New',
            icon: 'pi pi-fw pi-user-plus',

            label: 'Delete',
            icon: 'pi pi-fw pi-user-minus',

            label: 'Search',
            icon: 'pi pi-fw pi-users',
            items: [
                label: 'Filter',
                icon: 'pi pi-fw pi-filter',
                items: [
                    label: 'Print',
                    icon: 'pi pi-fw pi-print'
                icon: 'pi pi-fw pi-bars',
                label: 'List'
        label: 'Events',
        icon: 'pi pi-fw pi-calendar',
        items: [
            label: 'Edit',
            icon: 'pi pi-fw pi-pencil',
            items: [
                label: 'Save',
                icon: 'pi pi-fw pi-calendar-plus'
                label: 'Delete',
                icon: 'pi pi-fw pi-calendar-minus'

            label: 'Archieve',
            icon: 'pi pi-fw pi-calendar-times',
            items: [
                label: 'Remove',
                icon: 'pi pi-fw pi-calendar-minus'
        label: 'Quit',
        icon: 'pi pi-fw pi-power-off'
Screenshot 4
Figure 7. Menu Values

After the menus is done. The next step is create the main container, in this case will be the table.

Screenshot 7
Figure 8. Table

How is a very complex table we are going to explain component by component

Screenshot 8
Figure 9. Buttons

To create those buttons we just need to write this piece of code

<p-toolbar styleClass="p-mb-4">
    <ng-template pTemplate="left">
      <button pButton pRipple label="New" icon="pi pi-plus" class="p-button-success p-mr-2"
      <button pButton pRipple label="Delete" icon="pi pi-trash" class="p-button-danger"
        (click)="deleteSelectedProducts()" [disabled]="!selectedProducts || !selectedProducts.length"></button>

    <ng-template pTemplate="right">
      <p-fileUpload mode="basic" accept="image/*" [maxFileSize]="1000000" label="Import" chooseLabel="Import"
        class="p-mr-2 p-d-inline-block"></p-fileUpload>
      <button pButton pRipple label="Export" icon="pi pi-upload" class="p-button-help"></button>
Screenshot 9
Figure 10. Buttons Code

We can see some labels and attributes, for example <p-toolbar>, pButton, <p-fuleUpload>.

To use them, we need to import on app.module with the following code

import { TableModule } from 'primeng/table';
import { ButtonModule } from 'primeng/button';
import {ToolbarModule} from 'primeng/toolbar';
import {FileUploadModule} from 'primeng/fileupload';

We see the first method is openNew() when we call this method a variable is going to be true

openNew(): any {
  this.product = {};
  this.submitted = false;
  this.productDialog = true;
And when the productDialog its true, we will open a Modal with the following code and will look like:
Screenshot 11
Figure 11. Modal
<p-dialog [(visible)]="productDialog" [style]="{width: '450px'}" header="Product Details" [modal]="true"
  <ng-template pTemplate="content">
    <div class="p-field">
      <label for="name">Name</label>
      <input type="text" pInputText id="name" [(ngModel)]="" required autofocus />
      <small class="p-invalid" *ngIf="submitted && !">Name is required.</small>
    <div class="p-field">
      <label for="description">Description</label>
      <textarea id="description" pInputTextarea [(ngModel)]="product.description" required rows="3"

    <div class="p-field">
      <label class="p-mb-3">Category</label>
      <div class="p-formgrid p-grid">
        <div class="p-field-radiobutton p-col-6">
          <p-radioButton id="category1" name="category" value="Accessories" [(ngModel)]="product.category">
          <label for="category1">Accessories</label>
        <div class="p-field-radiobutton p-col-6">
          <p-radioButton id="category2" name="category" value="Clothing" [(ngModel)]="product.category"></p-radioButton>
          <label for="category2">Clothing</label>
        <div class="p-field-radiobutton p-col-6">
          <p-radioButton id="category3" name="category" value="Electronics" [(ngModel)]="product.category">
          <label for="category3">Electronics</label>
        <div class="p-field-radiobutton p-col-6">
          <p-radioButton id="category4" name="category" value="Fitness" [(ngModel)]="product.category"></p-radioButton>
          <label for="category4">Fitness</label>

    <div class="p-formgrid p-grid">
      <div class="p-field p-col">
        <label for="price">Price</label>
        <p-inputNumber id="price" [(ngModel)]="product.price" mode="currency" currency="USD" locale="en-US">
      <div class="p-field p-col">
        <label for="quantity">Quantity</label>
        <p-inputNumber id="quantity" [(ngModel)]="product.quantity"></p-inputNumber>

  <ng-template pTemplate="footer">
    <button pButton pRipple label="Cancel" icon="pi pi-times" class="p-button-text" (click)="hideDialog()"></button>
    <button pButton pRipple label="Save" icon="pi pi-check" class="p-button-text" (click)="saveProduct()"></button>
.Modal Code image::images/angular-primeng-layout/Screenshot_10.png[]

To start to development this, we need to import DialogModule, ConfirmDialogMoudle, InputTextModule, RadioButtonModule and ` FormsModule` to do it we just need to write on app.module

import { DialogModule } from 'primeng/dialog';
import { ConfirmDialogModule } from 'primeng/confirmdialog';
import {FormsModule} from '@angular/forms';
import { RadioButtonModule } from 'primeng/radiobutton';
import { InputTextModule } from 'primeng/inputtext';
.Modal Code image::images/angular-primeng-layout/Screenshot_11.png[]

After that we can see a Modal with the form and when we click on the "Save Button", We will create a new product.

saveProduct(): any {
  this.submitted = true;

  if ( {
    if ( {
      this.products[this.findIndexById(] = this.product;
      this.messageService.add({ severity: 'success', summary: 'Successful', detail: 'Product Updated', life: 3000 });
    else { = this.createId();
      this.product.image = 'product-placeholder.svg';
      this.messageService.add({ severity: 'success', summary: 'Successful', detail: 'Product Created', life: 3000 });

    this.products = [...this.products];
    this.productDialog = false;
    this.product = {};

After done the first buttons, just need to do the rest of the table

<p-table #dt [value]="products" [rows]="10" [paginator]="true"
    [globalFilterFields]="['name','','','status']" [(selection)]="selectedProducts"
    [rowHover]="true" dataKey="id" currentPageReportTemplate="Showing {first} to {last} of {totalRecords} entries"
    <ng-template pTemplate="caption">
      <div class="p-d-flex p-ai-center p-jc-between">
        <h5 class="p-m-0">Manage Products</h5>
        <span class="p-input-icon-left">
          <i class="pi pi-search"></i>
          <input pInputText type="text" (input)="dt.filterGlobal($, 'contains')"
            placeholder="Search..." />
    <ng-template pTemplate="header">
        <th style="width: 3rem">
        <th pSortableColumn="name">Name <p-sortIcon field="name"></p-sortIcon>
        <th pSortableColumn="price">Price <p-sortIcon field="price"></p-sortIcon>
        <th pSortableColumn="category">Category <p-sortIcon field="category"></p-sortIcon>
        <th pSortableColumn="rating">Reviews <p-sortIcon field="rating"></p-sortIcon>
        <th pSortableColumn="inventoryStatus">Status <p-sortIcon field="inventoryStatus"></p-sortIcon>
    <ng-template pTemplate="body" let-product>
          <p-tableCheckbox [value]="product"></p-tableCheckbox>
        <td>{{product.price | currency:'USD'}}</td>
          <p-rating [ngModel]="product.rating" [readonly]="true" [cancel]="false"></p-rating>
            [class]="'product-badge status-' + product.inventoryStatus.toLowerCase()">{{product.inventoryStatus}}</span>
          <button pButton pRipple icon="pi pi-pencil" class="p-button-rounded p-button-success p-mr-2"
          <button pButton pRipple icon="pi pi-trash" class="p-button-rounded p-button-warning"
    <ng-template pTemplate="summary">
      <div class="p-d-flex p-ai-center p-jc-between">
        In total there are {{products ? products.length : 0 }} products.
Screenshot 12
Figure 12. Table Code

After that, need to add some styles to the code.

:host ::ng-deep {
    .p-paginator {
        .p-paginator-current {
            margin-left: auto;

    .p-progressbar {
        height: .5rem;
        background-color: #D8DADC;

        .p-progressbar-value {
            background-color: #607D8B;

    .table-header {
        display: flex;
        justify-content: space-between;

    .p-calendar .p-datepicker {
        min-width: 25rem;

        td {
            font-weight: 400;

    .p-datatable.p-datatable-customers {
        .p-datatable-header {
            padding: 1rem;
            text-align: left;
            font-size: 1.5rem;

        .p-paginator {
            padding: 1rem;

        .p-datatable-thead > tr > th {
            text-align: left;

        .p-datatable-tbody > tr > td {
            cursor: auto;

        .p-dropdown-label:not(.p-placeholder) {
            text-transform: uppercase;

    /* Responsive */
    .p-datatable-customers .p-datatable-tbody > tr > td .p-column-title {
        display: none;

@media screen and (max-width: 960px) {
    :host ::ng-deep {
        .p-datatable {
            &.p-datatable-customers {
                .p-datatable-thead > tr > th,
                .p-datatable-tfoot > tr > td {
                    display: none !important;

                .p-datatable-tbody > tr {
                    border-bottom: 1px solid var(--layer-2);

                    > td {
                        text-align: left;
                        display: block;
                        border: 0 none !important;
                        width: 100% !important;
                        float: left;
                        clear: left;
                        border: 0 none;

                        .p-column-title {
                            padding: .4rem;
                            min-width: 30%;
                            display: inline-block;
                            margin: -.4rem 1rem -.4rem -.4rem;
                            font-weight: bold;

                        .p-progressbar {
                            margin-top: .5rem;

.Table CSS image::images/angular-primeng-layout/tablestyle.png[]

How we see it, we have some values already logged like products and some attributes that we need to import to use correctly the table.

All the moduls need to be in app.module

import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';

import { AppRoutingModule } from './app-routing.module';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import { HeaderComponent } from './components/header/header.component';

import { MenubarModule } from 'primeng/menubar';
import { HttpClientModule } from '@angular/common/http';
import { TableModule } from 'primeng/table';
import { CalendarModule } from 'primeng/calendar';
import { SliderModule } from 'primeng/slider';
import { DialogModule } from 'primeng/dialog';
import { MultiSelectModule } from 'primeng/multiselect';
import { ContextMenuModule } from 'primeng/contextmenu';
import { ButtonModule } from 'primeng/button';
import { ToastModule } from 'primeng/toast';
import { InputTextModule } from 'primeng/inputtext';
import { ProgressBarModule } from 'primeng/progressbar';
import { DropdownModule } from 'primeng/dropdown';
import {ToolbarModule} from 'primeng/toolbar';
import {FileUploadModule} from 'primeng/fileupload';
import {RatingModule} from 'primeng/rating';
import { RadioButtonModule } from 'primeng/radiobutton';
import { InputNumberModule } from 'primeng/inputnumber';
import { ConfirmDialogModule } from 'primeng/confirmdialog';
import { ConfirmationService, MessageService } from 'primeng/api';
import { ProductService } from './services/product.service';
import { InputTextareaModule } from 'primeng/inputtextarea';
import {FormsModule} from '@angular/forms';

import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from '@angular/platform-browser/animations';
import { NoopAnimationsModule } from '@angular/platform-browser/animations';

  declarations: [AppComponent, HeaderComponent],
  imports: [
Screenshot 13
Figure 13. All modules imported

How we can see, the first thing that the table is doing is loading all the products that we have.

To do it, we will create a service to get all the data.

To create a service we need to use the next command

ng generate service services/product

In the service we are simulating a endpoint to get data.

We will have our products "hardcoded" and the methods to get or to set some values.

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';
import { Product } from '../models/product';

  providedIn: 'root'
export class ProductService {
  status: string[] = ['OUTOFSTOCK', 'INSTOCK', 'LOWSTOCK'];

  productNames: string[] = [
    'Bamboo Watch',
    'Black Watch',
    'Blue Band',
    'Blue T-Shirt',
    'Brown Purse',
    'Chakra Bracelet',
    'Galaxy Earrings',
    'Game Controller',
    'Gaming Set',
    'Gold Phone Case',
    'Green Earbuds',
    'Green T-Shirt',
    'Grey T-Shirt',
    'Light Green T-Shirt',
    'Lime Band',
    'Mini Speakers',
    'Painted Phone Case',
    'Pink Band',
    'Pink Purse',
    'Purple Band',
    'Purple Gemstone Necklace',
    'Purple T-Shirt',
    'Teal T-Shirt',
    'Yellow Earbuds',
    'Yoga Mat',
    'Yoga Set',

  constructor(private http: HttpClient) { }

  getProductsSmall(): any {
    return this.http.get<any>('assets/products-small.json')
      .then(res => as Product[])
      .then(data => data);

  getProducts(): any {
    return this.http.get<any>('assets/products.json')
      .then(res => as Product[])
      .then(data => data);

  getProductsWithOrdersSmall(): any {
    return this.http.get<any>('assets/products-orders-small.json')
      .then(res => as Product[])
      .then(data => data);

  generatePrduct(): Product {
    const product: Product = {
      id: this.generateId(),
      name: this.generateName(),
      description: 'Product Description',
      price: this.generatePrice(),
      quantity: this.generateQuantity(),
      category: 'Product Category',
      inventoryStatus: this.generateStatus(),
      rating: this.generateRating()

    product.image =[ ,]+/).join('-') + '.jpg';
    return product;

  generateId(): string {
    let text = '';
    const possible = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789';

    for (let  i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
      text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length));

    return text;

  generateName(): any {
    return this.productNames[Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.floor(30))];

  generatePrice(): any {
    return Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.floor(299) + 1);

  generateQuantity(): any {
    return Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.floor(75) + 1);

  generateStatus(): any {
    return this.status[Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.floor(3))];

  generateRating(): any {
    return Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.floor(5) + 1);
Screenshot 14
Figure 14. Product Service

Also we create a interface for the Product, so all the products will have the same structure:

export interface Product {
  id?: string;
  code?: string;
  name?: string;
  description?: string;
  price?: number;
  quantity?: number;
  inventoryStatus?: string;
  category?: string;
  image?: string;
  rating?: number;
Screenshot 15
Figure 15. Product Interface

How we can see in the methods, we are getting the data from a hardcoded file product.json.

	"data": [
			"id": "1000",
			"code": "f230fh0g3",
			"name": "Bamboo Watch",
			"description": "Product Description",
			"image": "bamboo-watch.jpg",
			"price": 65,
			"category": "Accessories",
			"quantity": 24,
			"inventoryStatus": "INSTOCK",
			"rating": 5
			"id": "1001",
			"code": "nvklal433",
			"name": "Black Watch",
			"description": "Product Description",
			"image": "black-watch.jpg",
			"price": 72,
			"category": "Accessories",
			"quantity": 61,
			"inventoryStatus": "INSTOCK",
			"rating": 4
			"id": "1002",
			"code": "zz21cz3c1",
			"name": "Blue Band",
			"description": "Product Description",
			"image": "blue-band.jpg",
			"price": 79,
			"category": "Fitness",
			"quantity": 2,
			"inventoryStatus": "LOWSTOCK",
			"rating": 3
			"id": "1003",
			"code": "244wgerg2",
			"name": "Blue T-Shirt",
			"description": "Product Description",
			"image": "blue-t-shirt.jpg",
			"price": 29,
			"category": "Clothing",
			"quantity": 25,
			"inventoryStatus": "INSTOCK",
			"rating": 5
			"id": "1004",
			"code": "h456wer53",
			"name": "Bracelet",
			"description": "Product Description",
			"image": "bracelet.jpg",
			"price": 15,
			"category": "Accessories",
			"quantity": 73,
			"inventoryStatus": "INSTOCK",
			"rating": 4
			"id": "1005",
			"code": "av2231fwg",
			"name": "Brown Purse",
			"description": "Product Description",
			"image": "brown-purse.jpg",
			"price": 120,
			"category": "Accessories",
			"quantity": 0,
			"inventoryStatus": "OUTOFSTOCK",
			"rating": 4
			"id": "1006",
			"code": "bib36pfvm",
			"name": "Chakra Bracelet",
			"description": "Product Description",
			"image": "chakra-bracelet.jpg",
			"price": 32,
			"category": "Accessories",
			"quantity": 5,
			"inventoryStatus": "LOWSTOCK",
			"rating": 3
			"id": "1007",
			"code": "mbvjkgip5",
			"name": "Galaxy Earrings",
			"description": "Product Description",
			"image": "galaxy-earrings.jpg",
			"price": 34,
			"category": "Accessories",
			"quantity": 23,
			"inventoryStatus": "INSTOCK",
			"rating": 5
			"id": "1008",
			"code": "vbb124btr",
			"name": "Game Controller",
			"description": "Product Description",
			"image": "game-controller.jpg",
			"price": 99,
			"category": "Electronics",
			"quantity": 2,
			"inventoryStatus": "LOWSTOCK",
			"rating": 4
			"id": "1009",
			"code": "cm230f032",
			"name": "Gaming Set",
			"description": "Product Description",
			"image": "gaming-set.jpg",
			"price": 299,
			"category": "Electronics",
			"quantity": 63,
			"inventoryStatus": "INSTOCK",
			"rating": 3
			"id": "1010",
			"code": "plb34234v",
			"name": "Gold Phone Case",
			"description": "Product Description",
			"image": "gold-phone-case.jpg",
			"price": 24,
			"category": "Accessories",
			"quantity": 0,
			"inventoryStatus": "OUTOFSTOCK",
			"rating": 4
			"id": "1011",
			"code": "4920nnc2d",
			"name": "Green Earbuds",
			"description": "Product Description",
			"image": "green-earbuds.jpg",
			"price": 89,
			"category": "Electronics",
			"quantity": 23,
			"inventoryStatus": "INSTOCK",
			"rating": 4
			"id": "1012",
			"code": "250vm23cc",
			"name": "Green T-Shirt",
			"description": "Product Description",
			"image": "green-t-shirt.jpg",
			"price": 49,
			"category": "Clothing",
			"quantity": 74,
			"inventoryStatus": "INSTOCK",
			"rating": 5
			"id": "1013",
			"code": "fldsmn31b",
			"name": "Grey T-Shirt",
			"description": "Product Description",
			"image": "grey-t-shirt.jpg",
			"price": 48,
			"category": "Clothing",
			"quantity": 0,
			"inventoryStatus": "OUTOFSTOCK",
			"rating": 3
			"id": "1014",
			"code": "waas1x2as",
			"name": "Headphones",
			"description": "Product Description",
			"image": "headphones.jpg",
			"price": 175,
			"category": "Electronics",
			"quantity": 8,
			"inventoryStatus": "LOWSTOCK",
			"rating": 5
			"id": "1015",
			"code": "vb34btbg5",
			"name": "Light Green T-Shirt",
			"description": "Product Description",
			"image": "light-green-t-shirt.jpg",
			"price": 49,
			"category": "Clothing",
			"quantity": 34,
			"inventoryStatus": "INSTOCK",
			"rating": 4
			"id": "1016",
			"code": "k8l6j58jl",
			"name": "Lime Band",
			"description": "Product Description",
			"image": "lime-band.jpg",
			"price": 79,
			"category": "Fitness",
			"quantity": 12,
			"inventoryStatus": "INSTOCK",
			"rating": 3
			"id": "1017",
			"code": "v435nn85n",
			"name": "Mini Speakers",
			"description": "Product Description",
			"image": "mini-speakers.jpg",
			"price": 85,
			"category": "Clothing",
			"quantity": 42,
			"inventoryStatus": "INSTOCK",
			"rating": 4
			"id": "1018",
			"code": "09zx9c0zc",
			"name": "Painted Phone Case",
			"description": "Product Description",
			"image": "painted-phone-case.jpg",
			"price": 56,
			"category": "Accessories",
			"quantity": 41,
			"inventoryStatus": "INSTOCK",
			"rating": 5
			"id": "1019",
			"code": "mnb5mb2m5",
			"name": "Pink Band",
			"description": "Product Description",
			"image": "pink-band.jpg",
			"price": 79,
			"category": "Fitness",
			"quantity": 63,
			"inventoryStatus": "INSTOCK",
			"rating": 4
			"id": "1020",
			"code": "r23fwf2w3",
			"name": "Pink Purse",
			"description": "Product Description",
			"image": "pink-purse.jpg",
			"price": 110,
			"category": "Accessories",
			"quantity": 0,
			"inventoryStatus": "OUTOFSTOCK",
			"rating": 4
			"id": "1021",
			"code": "pxpzczo23",
			"name": "Purple Band",
			"description": "Product Description",
			"image": "purple-band.jpg",
			"price": 79,
			"category": "Fitness",
			"quantity": 6,
			"inventoryStatus": "LOWSTOCK",
			"rating": 3
			"id": "1022",
			"code": "2c42cb5cb",
			"name": "Purple Gemstone Necklace",
			"description": "Product Description",
			"image": "purple-gemstone-necklace.jpg",
			"price": 45,
			"category": "Accessories",
			"quantity": 62,
			"inventoryStatus": "INSTOCK",
			"rating": 4
			"id": "1023",
			"code": "5k43kkk23",
			"name": "Purple T-Shirt",
			"description": "Product Description",
			"image": "purple-t-shirt.jpg",
			"price": 49,
			"category": "Clothing",
			"quantity": 2,
			"inventoryStatus": "LOWSTOCK",
			"rating": 5
			"id": "1024",
			"code": "lm2tny2k4",
			"name": "Shoes",
			"description": "Product Description",
			"image": "shoes.jpg",
			"price": 64,
			"category": "Clothing",
			"quantity": 0,
			"inventoryStatus": "INSTOCK",
			"rating": 4
			"id": "1025",
			"code": "nbm5mv45n",
			"name": "Sneakers",
			"description": "Product Description",
			"image": "sneakers.jpg",
			"price": 78,
			"category": "Clothing",
			"quantity": 52,
			"inventoryStatus": "INSTOCK",
			"rating": 4
			"id": "1026",
			"code": "zx23zc42c",
			"name": "Teal T-Shirt",
			"description": "Product Description",
			"image": "teal-t-shirt.jpg",
			"price": 49,
			"category": "Clothing",
			"quantity": 3,
			"inventoryStatus": "LOWSTOCK",
			"rating": 3
			"id": "1027",
			"code": "acvx872gc",
			"name": "Yellow Earbuds",
			"description": "Product Description",
			"image": "yellow-earbuds.jpg",
			"price": 89,
			"category": "Electronics",
			"quantity": 35,
			"inventoryStatus": "INSTOCK",
			"rating": 3
			"id": "1028",
			"code": "tx125ck42",
			"name": "Yoga Mat",
			"description": "Product Description",
			"image": "yoga-mat.jpg",
			"price": 20,
			"category": "Fitness",
			"quantity": 15,
			"inventoryStatus": "INSTOCK",
			"rating": 5
			"id": "1029",
			"code": "gwuby345v",
			"name": "Yoga Set",
			"description": "Product Description",
			"image": "yoga-set.jpg",
			"price": 20,
			"category": "Fitness",
			"quantity": 25,
			"inventoryStatus": "INSTOCK",
			"rating": 8
Screenshot 16
Figure 16. Product Json Data

But in our component.ts we can see in ngOninit that we are getting the data when the component is ready. So when the component is rendered the data will be in the table.

The first lines of our table we can see a some attributes and events like value, rows, paginator, globalFilterFields, selection, rowHover, dataKey, currentPageReportTemplate, showCurrentPageReport.

We can see more details from those attributes and events here:

In the first section, we can see the <ng-template>, there is where we can search a value from the table.

<p-table #dt [value]="products" [rows]="10" [paginator]="true"
    [globalFilterFields]="['name','','','status']" [(selection)]="selectedProducts"
    [rowHover]="true" dataKey="id" currentPageReportTemplate="Showing {first} to {last} of {totalRecords} entries"
    <ng-template pTemplate="caption">
      <div class="p-d-flex p-ai-center p-jc-between">
        <h5 class="p-m-0">Manage Products</h5>
        <span class="p-input-icon-left">
          <i class="pi pi-search"></i>
          <input pInputText type="text" (input)="dt.filterGlobal($, 'contains')"
            placeholder="Search..." />
Screenshot 17
Figure 17. Search on Table

The next <ng-template> is the header of the table. We’re we can see the name of each column.

  <ng-template pTemplate="header">
      <th style="width: 3rem">
      <th pSortableColumn="name">Name <p-sortIcon field="name"></p-sortIcon>
      <th pSortableColumn="price">Price <p-sortIcon field="price"></p-sortIcon>
      <th pSortableColumn="category">Category <p-sortIcon field="category"></p-sortIcon>
      <th pSortableColumn="rating">Reviews <p-sortIcon field="rating"></p-sortIcon>
      <th pSortableColumn="inventoryStatus">Status <p-sortIcon field="inventoryStatus"></p-sortIcon>
Screenshot 18
Figure 18. Table Headers

After done the header, we need to do the table body. Here is where we need to print each row values

  <ng-template pTemplate="body" let-product>
        <p-tableCheckbox [value]="product"></p-tableCheckbox>
      <td>{{product.price | currency:'USD'}}</td>
        <p-rating [ngModel]="product.rating" [readonly]="true" [cancel]="false"></p-rating>
          [class]="'product-badge status-' + product.inventoryStatus.toLowerCase()">{{product.inventoryStatus}}</span>
        <button pButton pRipple icon="pi pi-pencil" class="p-button-rounded p-button-success p-mr-2"
        <button pButton pRipple icon="pi pi-trash" class="p-button-rounded p-button-warning"
Screenshot 19
Figure 19. Table Body

As we can see, we have some buttons with methods

The first method is to edit a specifict product (click)="editProduct(product)" and the second one is to delete it deleteProduct(product)

editProduct(product: Product): any {
  this.product = { ...product };
  this.productDialog = true;

deleteProduct(product: Product): any {
    message: 'Are you sure you want to delete ' + + '?',
    header: 'Confirm',
    icon: 'pi pi-exclamation-triangle',
    accept: () => {
      this.products = this.products.filter(val => !==;
      this.product = {};
      this.messageService.add({ severity: 'success', summary: 'Successful', detail: 'Product Deleted', life: 3000 });
Screenshot 20
Figure 20. Delete and Edit methods

The last part of the table, we will have a section to know how many products we have.

Screenshot 21
Figure 21. Table footer

To do it just need to do another template and add the following code:

  <ng-template pTemplate="summary">
    <div class="p-d-flex p-ai-center p-jc-between">
      In total there are {{products ? products.length : 0 }} products.
Screenshot 22
Figure 22. Table footer code
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