This repository contains code that will deploy two cloud functions that will respectively start and stop BigQuery flex slots commitments, reservations and assignments. Definitions of these concepts are desribed below and taken from this Google article.
- Flex Slot commitments are purchases charged in increments of 500 slot hours for $20, or ~$0.33/minute. You can increase your slot commitments if you need faster queries or more concurrency.
- Reservations create a named allocation of slots, and are necessary to assign purchased slots to a project. Find details on reservations in this documentation.
- Assignments assign reservations to Organizations, Folders, or Projects. All queries in a project will switch from on-demand billing to purchased slots after the assignment is made.
- Install Terraform
- Create a bucket on GCS that will store your terraform state
- Clone this repository
- Replace the values in the "resource.tfvars" file with your desired values. "location_flex_slots" has to be either "EU" or "US".
- Create a service account for Terraform with the following roles and save it at the root of this
repository under "terraform.json":
- roles/storage.admin --- (needed to create a bucket)
- roles/cloudfunctions.developer --- (needed to deploy the Cloud Functions)
- roles/servicemanagement.admin --- (needed to enable some APIs)
- roles/iam.serviceAccountAdmin --- (needed to create a service account for the Cloud Functions)
- roles/iam.roleAdmin --- (needed to assign roles to a service account)
- Replace the placeholder "[TERRAFORM-STATE-BUCKET]" (without the prefix "gs://") in the "" file with the bucket name for your terraform state bucket.
- Initialize Terraform by running the following command at the root of the folder:
terraform init
- Run the following command at the root of the folder:
terraform plan -out tf.plan -var-file=resources.tfvars
- Review the resources that will be deployed and then run the following command at the root of the folder to apply the plan:
terraform apply tf.plan
You now need to call these two functions programmatically within your code. If you are running a batch of queries using BigQuery python client, you can call the "start_bq_flex" Cloud Function with the following snippet before the code that runs your queries:
# Create the request headers needed in order to get an authentification token from the Cloud Function
metadata_server_token_url = "http://metadata/computeMetadata/v1/instance/service-accounts/default/identity?audience=" # nosec
token_request_url = metadata_server_token_url + [HTTP url of the start_bq_flex Cloud Function]
token_request_headers = {"Metadata-Flavor": "Google"}
# Fetch the token
token_response = requests.get(token_request_url, headers=token_request_headers)
jwt = token_response.content.decode("utf-8")
# Create the header
headers = {"Authorization": f"bearer {jwt}"}
# Create the function parameters
params = {
"commitment_slots": commitment_slots,
"reservation_name": reservation_name,
"reservation_slots": reservation_slots,
"assignment_project": assignment_project
response = requests.get(
[HTTP url of the start_bq_flex_slot],
As the Cloud Functions are not public, you need to authenticate before being able to make a call. The previous code snippet will do that for you. All you need is to grant the role "Cloud Function invoker" to the service account that will be doing this request call to the Cloud Function.
In order to stop all the commitments, reservations and assignments that you currently have, you can include the following code snippet within your code:
# Create the request headers needed in order to get an authentification token from the Cloud Function
metadata_server_token_url = "http://metadata/computeMetadata/v1/instance/service-accounts/default/identity?audience=" # nosec
token_request_url = metadata_server_token_url + [HTTP url of the stop_bq_flex Cloud Function]
token_request_headers = {"Metadata-Flavor": "Google"}
# Fetch the token
token_response = requests.get(token_request_url, headers=token_request_headers)
jwt = token_response.content.decode("utf-8")
# Create the header
headers = {"Authorization": f"bearer {jwt}"}
response = requests.get(
[HTTP url of the stop_bq_flex_slot],