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What are mocks

Devrath edited this page Jun 26, 2021 · 2 revisions

Defining the Mocks

  • Mocks are used to replace an interface

Scenario of use

  • Suppose we are using a retrofit service to call a web server. What we do is we call an abstract method of an interface and that calls a real server.
  • Now using mocks -> we mock a retrofit client -> then we call mock of retrofit to return the result of the mock

What mocks are not used for

  • Mocks are not used for checking the function behaviour and return values of the function.

What mocks are used for

  • Mocks are used to check if a function is called or not
  • Mocks are used to check how many times a function is called
  • Check if the right parameters are passed or not


Mocks are used to check the right function is called with correct parameters and executed an exact number of times

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