This repository contains :
- Value-Based Methods : (Neural Q-Learning, DQN, Double-DQN, Memory improved DQN)
- Policy-Based Methods: (DDPG)
- The code works for PyTorch.
- The agents interact with OpenAI gym and Unity environments.
- Support CUDA.(Faster than CPU implementation)
- Support discrete and continous state space.
- Support discrete and continous action space.
- Deep RL Bootcamp
- Deep Reinforcement Learning UC Berkeley
- Udacity Deep Reinforcement Learning Nanodegree program
with Coming soon!Cartpole-v0
with REINFORCE | solved in 691 episodes.MountainCarContinuous-v0
with DDPGMountainCar-v0
with Coming soon!Pendulum-v0
with DDPG
with DDPGCarRacing-v0
with Coming soon!LunarLander-v2
with NeuralQLearner | solved in 314 episodes. Average Score: 200.5
with Coming soon!Blackjack-v0
with Coming soon!CliffWalking-v0
with Coming soon!
with NeuralQLearner | solved in 345 episodes. Average Score: 13.02Reacher
with DDPG | solved in 147 episodes. Average Score: 30Tennis
with MADDPG | solved in 427 episodes. Average Score: 0.5
To set up your python environment to run the code in this repository, follow the instructions below.
- Install conda and create a new environment with Python 3.6.
conda create --name drlenv python=3.6
- To activate this environment
source activate drlenv
- To install and use OpenAI gym.
- Next, install the classic control environment group by following the instructions here.
- Then, install the box2d environment group by following the instructions here.
To install and use Unity ML-Agents -
Clone the repository
git clone
- Install the dependencies
pip install .
- Udacity Deep-Reinforcement-Learning [Github]