This is a library for crawling timetable events from the rapla website of DHBWs. It parses the appointments into its own data structure. rapla-parser is available on maven central.
Gradle (Maven Import):
compile 'com.github.dhbw-timetable:rapla-parser:0.3.3'
You can import a range of weeks via using:
Map<LocalDate, ArrayList<Appointment>> data = DataImporter.ImportWeekRange(start, end, url)
If you have to use java.util.Date API for a good reason (e.g. Android JDK and NDK not available) we provide backport methods you can use:
Map<TimelessDate, ArrayList<Appointment>> data = DataImporter.Backport.ImportWeekRange(start, end, url)
You are free to customize this library for your own under the given MIT License.
Generate GPG keys and login to ossrh. Use the maven profile to build the library:
$ mvn clean install -Possrh
Same as build but with deploy to ossrh:
$ mvn clean deploy -Possrh