Wrapper for ActiveCampaign API v3.
Allows to make calls in ActiveCampaign services and work with data, using PHP. Simple and easy to use.
Services available so far:
- Lists
- Contacts
- Tags
ActiveCampaign API v3 Wrapper is available on Packagist. Just add this line to your composer.json file in require section
"dhrechanyi/activecampaign-api-v3-wrapper": "^1.0"
or open terminal window and run
composer require dhrechanyi/activecampaign-api-v3-wrapper
Wrapper allows you to chain methods and use singe instance to apply all needed filters and queries.
// include required classes
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
// add namespace
use Dhrechanyi\ActiveCampaign\ActiveCampaign;
// create wrapper instance
To get access to activecampaign api endpoints, you need to create service model first. Here is how you can do it:
// lists
$lists = $ac->lists();
// contacts
$contacts = $ac->contacts();
// tags
$tags = $ac->tags();
To retrieve all lists, call for the ->all()
method. This method should be always at the very end of your chain sequence:
$lists = $ac->lists()->all();
Note that by default, activecampaign api returns 20 items. To change that, you need to use pagination()
Pagination allows you to get needed amount of items and make offsets.
// ->paginate($limit, $offset = 0)
// fetch 50 lists
$paginated_lists = $ac->lists()->paginate(50)->all();
You can sort results in needed order. Use ->orderby()
method and pass as argument an array, where key is the name of field and value is order (asc or desc).
// get all contacts and sort them by email in asc order and by last name in desc order
$contacts = $ac->contacts()->order(['email' => 'asc', 'lastName' => 'desc'])->all();
You can filter results by multiple parameters. Use ->filter()
method and pass an array as argument, where key is parameter name and value is parameter value.
// get contacts where first name is equal to John
$contacts = $ac->contacts()->filter(['firstName' => 'john'])->all();
Additionaly, you can add any parameter to url that will be send to activecampaign endpoint. Use ->query()
method and pass as argument an array with parameters key and value
$ac->tags()->query(['foo' => 'bar'])->all();
To access any item by it's ID, use ->get($id)
// get tag with ID == 1
$tag = $ac->tags()->get(1);
// skip 10 tags and get next 50 tags, also order them by description
$tags = $ac->tags()->orderby(['description' => 'asc'])->paginate(50, 10)->all();
// get contact where email is equal to 'john@mail.com'
$contact = $ac->contacts()->getByEmail('john@mail.com');
// create new contact
'email' => 'johndoe@example.com',
'firstName' => 'John',
'lastName' => 'Doe',
'phone' => '7223224241'
// create new tag
'tag' => 'My Tag',
'tagType' => 'contact',
'description' => 'Description'
// add tag to contact
'contact' => '1', // contact ID
'tag' => '20' // tag ID
Method | Description |
get($list_id) | Get list by ID |
all() | Get all lists |
create($params) | Create list https://developers.activecampaign.com/reference#create-new-list |
createGroup($params) | Create list group permission https://developers.activecampaign.com/reference#create-a-list-group-permission |
delete($list_id) | Delete list by ID |
NOTE: When creating a new list, it is important to then associate that list to a group permission
Method | Description |
get($contact_id) | Get contact by ID |
getByList($list_id) | Get contacts by list ID |
getByTag($tag_id) | Get contacts by tag ID |
getByEmail($email) | Get contact by email |
all() | Get all contact |
create($params) | Create contact https://developers.activecampaign.com/reference#create-contact |
createOrUpdate($params) | Create contact or update if it's already exists (sunc by email) https://developers.activecampaign.com/reference#create-contact-sync |
update($contact_id, $params) | Update contact https://developers.activecampaign.com/reference#update-a-contact |
delete($contact_id) | Delete contact by ID |
getCustomFieldValue($custom_field_id) | Get custom field value |
allCustomFieldValues() | Get all custom fields values |
createCustomFieldValue($params) | Create custom field value https://developers.activecampaign.com/reference#retrieve-fields |
addTag($params) | Add tag to contact https://developers.activecampaign.com/reference#create-contact-tag |
deleteTag($contact_tag_id) | Delete tag from contact |
getTags($contact_id) | Get all contact's tags |
getLists($contact_id) | Get all contact's lists |
updateListStatus($params) | Update list status on contact https://developers.activecampaign.com/reference#update-list-status-for-contact |
getContactFieldValues($contact_id) | Get contact field values |
updateCustomFieldValue($custom_field_id, $params) | Update contact custom field value |
Method | Description |
get($tag_id) | Get tag by ID |
all() | Get all tags |
create($params) | Create tag https://developers.activecampaign.com/reference#create-a-new-tag |
update($tag_id, $params) | Update tag https://developers.activecampaign.com/reference#update-a-tag |
delete($tag_id) | Delete tag by ID |