Releases: dhslab/cle-soma
Releases · dhslab/cle-soma
Remove white spaces from lane, flowcell and index
dragen v4.3.6
- Use dragen v4.3.6
- Add DragenCPU and DragenMEM as variables
Make workflow to be able to handle Reseq cases
Make workflow to be able to handle Reseq cases
dragen v4.2.4
- Upgrade to dragen v4.2.4 for demux and align
- version 9 dragen hash table
- update for X_Plus sequencer and stricter samplesheet error-checking
Update docker images, data_transfer, sample naming and others
- Replace all RIS local docker registry images
- data_transfer with fastq input
- dragen-4 queue renaming
- Keep run folder
- Sample naming change
Initial Release
This is the initial release of SOMA (Somatic Overgrowth and McCune Albright) WDL workflow.