Web app with book catalog:
- guests have read only permissions
- logged in users can edit catalog's content (CRUD in PostgreDB)
Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/diSciPy/Book_catalog
Go to the project directory
cd Book_catalog
Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Start the server
python run.py
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file
DEBUG = True
- Registration by email, Google SSO
- Localization (Babel)
- Email verification
- CRUD (PostgreSQL) for verified users
To enable Babel install dependancies from requirements.txt and add env vars to environment
In .py:
"Some string" -> _("Some string")
"Some string" -> lazy_gettext("Some string")
In .html: (Enable Jinja)
"Some string" -> {{_("Some string")}}
"Some string" -> {{lazy_gettext("Some string")}}
$ mkdir locale
$ pybabel extract . -o app/locale/<name of the translations file>.pot
In locale/.pot type in localized translations like:
msgid "This is a translatable string."
msgstr "This is localized translatable string"
$ pybabel init -l <uk_UA - name of the locale> -i locale/<name of the translations file>.pot -d locale
Expected result:
creating catalog locale/uk_UA/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po based on locale/<name of the translations file>.pot
$ pybabel init
should be run per locale In created .po file update msgstr according to locale translation
$ pybabel compile -d locale
Expected result:
compiling catalog locale/uk_UA/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po to locale/uk_UA/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo
$ pybabel extract -F babel.cfg -o locale/<name of the translations file>.pot
In created .pot file fill in the focalizations
Initialize <uk_UA> translations:
$ pybabel init -d locale -l uk_UA -i locale/<name of the translations file>.pot
Expected result:
creating catalog locale/uk_UA/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po based on locale/<name of the translations file>.pot
Compile translations file:
$ pybabel compile -d locale -l uk_UA
Expected result:
compiling catalog locale/uk_UA/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po to locale/uk_UA/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo
If new lines of code (strings) were added, execute the following commands:
$ pybabel extract -F .\app\babel.cfg -k lazy_gettext -o .\app\locale\messages.pot --input-dirs=.\app
$ git diff
Delete existing .po and .mo files. Run the following commands:
$ pybabel init -d .\app\locale -i .\app\locale\messages.pot -d .\app\locale -l uk_UA
$ pybabel compile -d .\app\locale