- Agile Manifesto
- Printable pdf and hig-res png can be got from here...
- Printable pdf direct link
- The Agile Manifesto - article by Martin Fowler
- Kanban vs Scrum vs XP – an Agile comparison
- Scrum "project management methodology".
- Kanban - workflow is visualised (TPS Toyota Production System).
- XP (short for eXtreme Programming) is a framework.
- Red
- Green
- Refactor
We aim to work on Products as opposed to Projects
Every story should deliver customer value
- Write a test.
- Run the test and watch it fail (Red).
- Write the minimum amount of implementation code to make the test pass (Green).
- Run the test and watch it pass (Green).
- Look for anything that may need refactoring. This should not introduce new functionality nor should it change the behaviour of existing implementation.
- Rerun the tests and ensure nothing has broken.
- Repeat.
- Write a UI Test
- create new test file in ui_tests directory
- Add initial test
Feature('Multiply 2 numbers'); Scenario('Multiply 2 numbers and show product', (I) => { I.amOnPage('/multiply'); I.see('Welcome to multiply'); });
- create new test file in ui_tests directory
- Run (and Fail) the test
- Create the new route/path (app.js)
- Rerun the test
- create an empty file to handle the route
- Rerun the test
- Add minimum code
var express = require('express');
var router = express.Router();
module.exports = router;
- Rerun the test
- Add minimum code
router.get('/', function(req, res, next) {
- Rerun the test
- ... continue this cycle until the initial UI test passes.
Multiply 2 numbers --
Multiply 2 numbers and show product
• I am on page "/multiply"
• I see "Welcome to multiply"
✓ OK in 925ms
- Once the test passes restart/continue the cycle again...
Note I am skipping and/or compressing some steps for briefness in the document.
Build out our UI test and basic implementation using Red - Green - Refactor.
Feature('Multiply 2 numbers'); Scenario('Multiply 2 numbers and show product', (I) => { I.amOnPage('/multiply'); I.see('Welcome to multiply'); I.fillField('First Number', '9'); I.fillField('Second Number', '8'); I.click('Multiply the numbers'); I.see('The product of 9 * 8 = 72'); });
There will be several failures to get us to green, Keep doing Red - Green cycle.
- Fail because there is not a route/path to handle the form.
router.post('/', function(req, res, next) { res.end(); });
- Fail because we are not rendering the page. Change
res.render('multiply', { title: 'Welcome to multiply' });
- get the two numbers from the form and render the page
router.post('/', function(req, res, next) { var firstNumber = req.body.firstNumber; var secondNumber = req.body.secondNumber; res.render('multiply', { title: 'Welcome to multiply', firstNumber: firstNumber, secondNumber: secondNumber }); });
- Fail because there is not a route/path to handle the form.
We can (will) add a call to the method that will multiply, (but doesn't yet exist)
router.post('/', function(req, res, next) { var firstNumber = req.body.firstNumber; var secondNumber = req.body.secondNumber; var result = multiply(firstNumber, secondNumber); // This is not defined... res.render('multiply', { title: 'Welcome to multiply', firstNumber: firstNumber, secondNumber: secondNumber, result: result }); });
We are at stage we know we calculate product (UI test will remain failing until lower level tests fail).
- Create unit test file
- Add the initial test
- Run tests
- Write minimum code to pass test
- Run tests
- Add more to test
- Run tests
- Write minimum code to pass test
- Run tests
- Add more to test
- Run tests
- Write minimum code to pass test
- Run tests
- Add the initial test
Once our multiply is completed and unit tests pass our UI test will (should) automatically pass.
The further we get into developing a product the more robust our tests become.
We have built in regression testing from the start.
CI (Continuous Integration) and CD (Continuous Deployment) means our code is integrated after each commit (checkin).
phantomjs --webdriver=4444
orjava -jar ./ui_tests/selenium-server-standalone-2.53.0.jar
npm start
codeceptjs run --steps
fork and clone application locally eg.
git clone https://address.copied.from.github/
npm install
to install npm packages
bower install
to install client side dependancies eg. bootstrap
npm test
Start the server with npm start
and browse http://localhost:3000 in chrome
This application is published to http://soap-add.cfapps.io/
It is also published to https://soap-add.herokuapp.com/
I installed jshint as a dev dependancy
npm install jshint --save-dev
"pretest": "jshint routes test",
to package.json to do basic linting when tests are ran
npm install --save-dev codeceptjs
npm install --save-dev webdriverio
npm install -g codeceptjs
npm install -g webdriverio